Episode 1: A Fainted Maid Claimed

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Episode 1: A Fainted Maid Claimed 


Lunaria Pov:

"What's that sweet smell?" Master Kanato asked licking his lips hungrily,

"Yes, that's what I'd like to know as well." Master Reiji spoke.

"Well it seems like our personal maid Lunaria has been keeping secrets." Master Ayato told them.

I couldn't respond, I was still frozen in shock. In under 10 minutes I had been found out, and exposed. It was unbelievable.

"Hmm, it would seem that she's human." Master Reiji said again.

Reiji Pov:

Inside my head I was licking my lips. She smelled absolutely amazing. Her scent was so sweet, and it had a side smell of purity signaling that she was a virgin.

Inner me licked his lips at all the ways he could take her innocence.

Shu Pov:

I suppressed a smirk. Our little maid was a human. A human had been serving the vampire princes for two years and we never knew it.

'Huh.' I scoffed. I gazed lazily at her, and noted that she was frozen.

'Interesting. She's been in our presence for 2 years, not shivering, or flinching once. She's seen every side of us, and she's frozen because we know she's human?' I thought mentally laughing.

Subaru Pov:

On the outside I was calm and my usual scowl and glare painted my features. Although on the inside I was fighting not to take her and mark her with my own scent.

There was something about her that made me feel possessive.

Kanato Pov:

'I could take her, and break her in so many ways.' I thought mentally licking my lips. 'Mm, I wonder if she tastes as sweet as she smells.'

'If she does, she won't be getting away anytime soon.' I thought. Then I mentally laughed.

'As if my brothers and I would let something that sweet smelling go.' I thought.

Laito Pov:

'Slut-chan's human, huh?' I thought. 'That's interesting. I wonder how she managed to hide that sweet scent of hers for the two years that she's been our personal maid.'

'I wonder if that sweet body of her matches her sweet scent. I'll find out soon enough.' I thought licking my lips.

Ayato Pov:

'Well their obviously having the same thoughts on her as I am.' I thought smirking.

"So, I guess were keeping her?" I asked as I removed my hand from her arm.

"Of course." They said in synch, fangs glistening.

"Well then Lunaria, you've been chosen." I told her smirking.

"Go and pack your things. Move them to the spare room on the fourth floor near our rooms." I told her.

"B-But." She stuttered.

"Now." I commanded.

She stood and bowed before leaving to do as I had commanded her.

"Poor Slut-Chan. She doesn't know what she's gotten herself into." Laito said aloud more to himself than anyone else.

"True, but we'll enjoy having her as our bride." Reiji spoke.

"We'll enjoy breaking her down." Kanato said. The statement bringing up all kinds of images of Lunaria becoming completely submissive.

The images caused our eyes to glow red in lust.

Lunaria Pov:

I quietly walked back to the mansion with all my stuff.

'What did they mean by 'You've been chosen.'? What was I chosen for? Are they going to kill me? Or..' As my imagination began to run wild, I didn't notice that I had stepped inside of the mansion.

Third Person Pov:

The six brother's could smell Lunaria long before they saw her.

"Slut-chan is taking a while getting here, yeah?" Laito asked as he looked at the door.

"I would have to agree. Maybe she's stalling?" Reiji asked.

"Probably." Ayato answered his brother.

"Shut up, here she comes." Shu said speaking for the first time during the whole ordeal.

The boys watched as the front door opened allowing their bride to walk in.

Six eyes shown with hidden pride at the sight of their new 'property'.

"Welcome back, Slut-chan!" Laito greeted.

Shu Pov:

I watched as her eyes widened.

'Poor girl must've been so deep inside her thoughts that she didn't notice that she had walked inside the mansion.' I thought.

"Oh!" She spoke surprised. "Masters shouldn't you be at school?" She asked us as she looked at the clock on the wall. "It's 8:15, your late for class." She told us.

Reiji chuckled. "Do you honestly think that we'd go to school when we have you here? I think I speak for myself and my brothers when I say that we'd rather be here with you then in class." He said pushing his glasses up on his nose.

We all nodded agreeing with him. "Besides you still need to be punished for hiding Slut-chan." Laito spoke as he walked over to Luanria.

Lunaria Pov:

I froze as I watched Master Laito walk over shortly followed by the rest of his brothers.

"So how should we punish her?" Master Kanato asked.

My eye's widened as I felt a hand glide over my butt.

"We could spank her." I heard Master Ayato say as a hand slapped my ass playfully.

"Maybe we could feed off of her?" Master Laito asked as I felt a nose run up and down my neck.

"How about we torture her with pleasure?" I heard Master Kanato ask as a hand rubbed my thigh.

"How about we do all three?" I heard Master Shu ask. Then some murmurs of agreement followed.

That was all I could take. I fainted.

'Dear God, what have I gotten myself into?' I thought before black covered my vision.

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