Episode 11 Part 1/4: The Supernatural Ball; Introduction

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Lunaria Pov:

I walked the floor with Yui by my side, honestly she hadn't left it since we walked down the staircase. We were currently walking around looking for the Sakamaki brothers while simultaneously trying not to stick out like the sore thumbs we were.

Everywhere I went there were handsome men and beautiful women, none of which were human. They all had different skin tones and different scents of colognes but I knew that Yui and I looked just as beautiful as any supernatural woman in the room.

In our dresses, we looked quite simple compared to everyone else, but with the make-up, and hair we looked stunning in our own way. Desmond had done a fantastic job.

"Lunaria, look." Yui brought me out of my thoughts as she shifted towards the stage.

I followed her lead and spotted a man that looked like Subaru.

'Karlheinz.' I realized. I'd only ever gotten a glimpse of the man, and had the brother's not told me that he could change his appearance I'd never be able to tell it was him.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you're all doing particularly fine this evening. Though tonight it's about to get better. Tonight I'm going to introduce to you a game between my sons."

Applause rang through the room but neither I, Yui, or Desmond (who had come up to us a few seconds prior to Karlheinz speaking) clapped. We stood stock still with our eyes focused solely on the Subaru look alike.

"This game includes all of my sons, and of course two beautiful young ladies of whom they'll be vying for. If you're wondering what's so special about them, well, let's just say whomever gets her heart will reap the ultimate reward."

I caught the switch in his last sentence, but looking around me, I realized that I might've been the only one to do so.

"Now, incase some of you don't know them, please allow me to introduce them. My firstborn and heir Shu."

Shu walked onto the stage looking absolutely dashing in his lazily put on suit. The distressed skinny jeans that he wore underneath his untucked white and light crimson (almost light pink) dress shirt gave him a rocker feel that portrayed his lazy personality. The thin black tie lay loose on his neck, hanging just below the top two unbuttoned buttons on his shirt. However black blazer, though crisp, was left unbuttoned to make his forever present choker pop, although I doubted that Shu cared with his half lidded gaze and earbuds in his ears.

"My secondborn Reiji."

Reiji walked out with his usual regal air and stood beside Shu. His suit didn't surprise me nearly as much as Shu's, due to the fact his normal ensemble was more "out there" than the one he wore now. Nevertheless he looked nice in his black and white suit with a black tie and white gloves. His hair was teased more than usual and he wore a cunning smirk that was only reserved for those times when someone was truly in for it.

"My third, fourth, and fifth sons Ayato, Kanato, and Laito." The triplets walked out in the order they were called, each one holding their normal aura with a hint of swagger I'd never seen before.

Like usual, Ayato's suit was somewhat off in what he considered style. He wore a white shirt that was an off-crimson near the end of his red tie that match his hair. The blazer he wore was black with the middle button being the only one that was fastened. He'd done nothing to his hair from what I could tell, but then again I wasn't exactly close enough to see the flecks of amber in his eyes. You know, not that I noticed flecks in his eyes...

Kanato came out with a pair of black skinny jeans, and a crimson colored shirt that matched the color of blood perfectly. On top of the shirt he wore a black unbuttoned blazer and his teddy bear sat in it's usual place in front of him. 

'It always sits in the same place huh?' I thought fondly. Kanato never held it higher or lower than his stomach. Not that I measured it by sight or something like that..

Laito on the other hand came out in his ever present fedora with a red stripe. He, like Ayato, wore a black and white suit, but with a different colored tie. His tie was amber with crimson designs on it, perfectly matching his eye and hair color whenever he became angry. Again, it's something everyone should know right? Nothing odd about knowing what color his eyes turn...

"And my youngest, Subaru."

Subaru came out with a confident aura and a sexy smirk on his face. He wore a black and white suit with a black tie, the exact way it was supposed to be worn, crisp, sexy, and devilishly handsome. Actually no, there was a hint of an off crimson color peeking from underneath the jacket, but I ignored it. Those brothers would never discard anything in their personality for an outfit, no matter how short a time they were going to wear it.

"My oldest Adopted Son Ruki Mukami."

A familiar dark haired vampire stepped out into the light of the staircase wearing a midnight blue dress shirt, with a white tie, and black suit jacket and pants. His smile was mysterious, suggesting to everyone who saw it that he was hiding something.

"My second eldest Kou."

Kou came out white blazer with a baby blue dress shirt underneath. His tie was black white her wore white skinny jeans with a belt leaning off right hip. He waved and then settled beside Ruki with a superstar smirk on his face.

"My third, Yuma."

Yuma, I recognized more than the others, though that was probably because he gave me his number. He came out in an amber dress shirt with a black blazer and tie. He wore black suit pants and seemed to stare into everyone individually. Although that feeling went away when he began to smirk lightly as he settled beside his brothers.

"And finally Azusa, the last of my sons."

Azusa walked out in a fashion that reminded me of Kanato with his childish innocence yet calming swagger that out you on edge. He wore a midnight blue dress shirt with a silver tie, tight black suit pants, and a fitted suit jacket. He didn't smile or anything as he went to stand by his brothers, he only watch the crowd with an uncaring expression that only Shu could top.

"Now then, I know those two special girls are out there in the crowd so let's shine some light on them, shall we?"

Suddenly blinded by light, I came to a horrible realization.

Yui and I had be found in the crowd by a spot light and now amongst a sea of sea creatures I felt multiple glares upon me. 'Damn you Karlheinz.' I mentally growled.

Something to me that our once smooth night had ended, and now Yui and I would have to face crazy supernatural creatures who wanted to be in our place.



Sakamaki brother's outfits are in the comments, because it's there you'll find the links.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to see the Mukami outfits because I had to wing it for them. So, sorry about that.

Yui and Lunaria's make-up also in the comments.



You all wanna kill Yui off lol

So right now the votes are pretty much between.

Killing her off - 24

Killing her off, Yui surprise- 23

Keeping her alive, but make her evil - 20

However some awesome person said Evil Yui surprise.

...Do you know what I have planned for the Yui surprise or what? I haven't told anyone lol.

But yeah, keep the poles coming. And if you like the evil Yui surprise well, go ahead and say so. It's not apart of the pole but something tells me it'll be pretty popular.

Also look above! It's Karlheinz! Yay *cough, cough* No!! *cough, cough*

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