Episode 17: I Need You To Break

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Third Person Pov:

Shortly after the males passed out a girl could be seen peeking through the window. "Hmph, no fair. She wasn't supposed to be healed!" She hissed before throwing her hands up in the air. "My stupid brothers interfered and now I have to go and tell my mistress that I failed!"

Then she stopped. "I wonder if I'll be punished."

With renewed vigor and a happily swaying tail the girl jumped from the balcony and darter off, brown hair turning a shade lighter as though it was being rinsed thoroughly.

Meanwhile inside the mansion all was still and the maids kept everyone out, each one fully aware of how much the people inside the room needed their sleep.

Said people woke up four hours later with only Cheshire and Trytan wondering which group of trains hit them.

Lunaria Pov:

"Damn my head is killing me..." Trytan groaned as he put his head on my lap.

I rolled my eyes and began to run my fingers through his soft hair and massaging his scalp in the way I'd learned relaxed him.

"You wouldn't feel like this if you left well enough alone." I huffed causing him to peak at me not unlike the gaze of a lazily sleeping cat. ((A/N: Imagine a cat that was lazily sleeping and then heard something weird and opened one eye to peak curiously.))

"And let you die? Hell no, not an option." He hummed, closing his eye once more a chorus of agreement coming from the vampires in the room.

"But don't we have a bigger problem?" I asked suddenly remembering Yui.

"Oh yeah, Yui. What are we going to do about her?" Ayato voiced.

"We don't even know where to begin looking.."

I turned my attention to Kanato who was sitting on the love seat in my room with Azusa huddled up to his side with his head on Kanato's shoulder. "So when did that happen?"

"What?" He asked.

"You know? You and Azusa. You seem pretty close...Any nose bleed worth details?" I wiggle any eyebrows.

"Imagine it and you tell me.."

I smirked and took up the challenge. Thinking of Azusa's innocence paired with Kanato's deviousness was a combination to be reckoned with, it was hard to imagine but...

Azusa was quiet and so was Kanato. He wouldn't be a screamer, more of a soft moaner because Azusa would definitely bottom. But his soft nature meant that he could take a pounding and vampires were sadistic so masochistic wasn't too far off and he doesn't seem to mind ebing commanded by Ruki so...

Suddenly a picture of Azusa in bondage gear popped up with a sadistic Kanato standing over him with a crop.

I cupped my hand to my nose as it quickly filled with blood but didn't drip.

"Pervert..." Shu mumbled. "I can smell the blood."

I would've blushed but if I did my brain would lose the rest of it's blood as would my body and I'd faint. "Shut up.." I mumbled as I stood up and went to the bathroom where I proceeded to clean up and change my clothes as my blood dripped onto my shirt and shorts.

When I was finished I came out of the bathroom dressed in white capris and a lime green off the shoulders top that had blue straps over the shoulder. My feet were bare as the only place I was going was into my bed which was now crowded with guys.

"Hogging my bed?" I asked as I climbed in between Shu and Trytan and Cheshire.

Said three shifted to give me my space while I spread my legs just enough for Cheshire to scoot between them and lay against my stomach while I messed with his hair.

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