Episode 20: Blossom In Darkness

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Third Person Pov:

It had been two days since everyone got to the Mukami mansion and Yui was still asleep despite being fully healed.

"When is she going to wake up?" Trytan groaned into the arm of the sofa.

"When she decides to get up." Yuma replied in the same tone.

Worried over Yui the only one, aside from Yui, that was able to sleep was Lunaria but they chalked it up to exhaustion and not willing sleep.

Suddenly sensitive ears picked up a short moan. Their eyes met and soon the vampires were off with Trytan and Cheshire staying behind with the sleeping Lunaria.

Inside the bedroom the boys surrounded Yui and watched her rub her eyes before feeling her breast. "Yeah, they'll be tender for a few days." Kou spoke up causing her to meet their eyes.

Then with a voice none of them recognized she spoke. "I assumed you healed me, so I thank you, but...who are you?"

The vampires blinked, the girl blinked, they blinked at eachother, and the Mukami and Sakamaki looked at eachother as they came to a realization that had them telling the girl to wait as they jetted out of the room. Well most of them, Shu was to lazy to do anything but walk, Reiji found it stupid, and Ruki agreed with Reiji, while Kanato was sitting in a corner finding his teddy bear more interesting than the situation.

Cheshire Pov:

"You better tell her soon." Trytan warned as he looked at Lunaria.

"I know."

"You guys, we have a problem!" Ayato shouted causing Trytan and I to look up while Lunaria woke up from her sleep.

"What's wrong?" She yawned rubbing her eyes.

"Thegirlwesavedisn'tYuiits'someothergirlIthinkDiamight'vedupedusbutwhatarewegoingtodoifsomethingbadhappensbecausewefailed?!" Pulling an OOC moment, Ayato freaked out and let out a long jumped up sentence that made no sense to the me.

"What did you just say?" I asked unable to mentally straighten out the sentence.

He took a deep breath and repeated, at a normal pace this time. "The girl we saved isn't Yui, it's some other girl. I think Dia might've duped us but what are going to do if something bad happens because we failed?"

Her eyes widened. "What?!"

Lunaria raced up the stairs and I followed her. "Who are you?"

"Me?" I heard as I entered the room. "My name is Yui..."

I saw Lunaria glare. "The Yui I know is an air headed ditz and you most certainly  aren't her. So, I'll ask once more, who are you?"

"Yui...I think."

"Didn't I-"

I decided to step in. "Lunaria, maybe her name is Yui, she's just not ours. I mean there are more Yui's than the one we know."

I saw Lunaria's shoulders sag. "What's your at name?"

"Veronica-" Suddenly cut off by an unseen force Yui V's head suddenly glowed green. Then mere seconds later it stopped.

Lunaria Pov:

"I see you've figured out my trick. I said that you'd get Yui back but I never specified which. Despite being inhuman, you still think like a human would. That makes you easy to predict. And as for your Yui, she's fine, and mine. But don't worry, you'll see her again but you're in for a surprise, she's blossoming quite well in the darkness. Oh, and before I forget. You might want to step back, this little puppet isn't needed anymore so I'll dispose of her for you."

Mouth shutting with a nearly inaudible click, I didn't have time to step back before the Yui on the bed blew up.

The explosion was small and the only sound it made was a squelch as her innards blew around the room before disentegrating and taking whatever furniture it had landed on with it.

I stood stock still for a bit then fell to my knees as my legs went weak. I have a bad feeling about this...

Author Pov: (Different from third person I'll have you know ;) )

While Lunaria was on her knees with the other trying to figure out what to do, we'll be going to yet another pocket realm where three old hags looked at a crystal ball.

"So, it's begun." Mumbled one sister to the others.

"The prophecy has been drawn up." Said a second.

"Here we go again.." Sighed the last.

The eye was popped out of Present's head and it floated as the sisters read out the upcoming events.

Temptation has risen and danger is coming. Death shall befall those of whom you care and a dangerous brother will arise of whom you should beware. Doors that should never be opened shall be revealed as you've given way to Death's now open tomb. To overcome what is to be both delicate girls must be taken care of as they grow and slowly blossom into flowers. One shall be a deadly  nightshade, and the other will be a black rose with thorns of poision.

Well, that's what they just said atleast. So wait, does this mean I'm writing a second book or making a really long story?!


Wacky ending but meh. Book is ending and we're doing a Yui surpise!

Ladies and gentlemen you're probably like "No!!!" But she'll be dying still...just not now. I need a plot driver, she's it...for now *evil chuckle*

Thanks for reading for so long the book must be getting boring, and perhaps at the end I'll show off the demographics for this book. Makes my heart beat everytime I see it, I just want to cry and scream my butt off in happiness!!

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