Filler #3

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In Order To....Do Something

WARNING: Cheshire and that's all I'm going to say, his name is a warning all his own.


If you looked at the picture that's my friend right now when I said I would write this... -.-' Oh it's a sad day when you realize that no one you know is sane *sighs*

But yeah, normally I put announcements at the end, but this chapter can literally go on and on depending on your questions so I'll put it here.

I put this book in the DLWattyawards, and while I would've told you this weekend, those of you who follow me know my friend decided to let it "slip".  If you want to vote for this book I put the links in the comments for you. :)

My Pov: ((A/N: It's different from Third Person, in fact it's more Second Person than anything but you can judge for yourself , after all it's the reader's point of view ^.^))

"Oh hello there! Sorry I didn't see you! Or am I, or did I, or are you, but thinking about it who knows! I sure don't, but that's not why I'm here! I'm here to give you all sort of a catch up...that's what it's called right?" Cheshire grinned nothing like his sadistic face he showed the brothers.

"But anyways, on with what I said before. This filler created by the authoress is for you to get to know the characters! That said meet the OCs, some you know, others you don't. Now without anymore stalling, Lunaria, Trytan, and Tsuki please make your presence known."

Out walked all the characters and Cheshire's grin grew. "I'm already here but whatever!"

"Hello I'm Lunaria, and I was dragged here by Cheshire." Stated the bluette dryly with a glare to said boy.

"I'm Trytan and I'm with Ria.."

"I came willingly!" Tsuki grinned with her tail happily swaying.

"Now is there anything you want to ask them about the events so far? Feel free, and they'll reply."

"Hey! Don't try to control us, you aren't the author!" Lunaria snorted annoyed.

"Um, Lunaria why are you so angry?" I asked sort of put off by her.

"I was dragged out of my bed from a rather comforting nap by this-" She pointed to Cheshire. "-idiot and I haven't had a good rest for a week now!"

I swallowed in understanding. If I hadn't slept in a week I'd be annoyed too.

"Not that it matters anymore, I'm already up."

"Um okay...the questions have arrived and I have them here, but uh...wait. Where's the author?"

"Who? MisstressPhantomhive? Uh..." Tsuki looked behind her in an attempt to find the said author.

"Right here." Turning to the side a girl appeared with a small smile.

"I'd apologize for being late but I can't bring myself to care. I'm going to go loony being in a room with these people."

"But didn't you create them?" I asked quirking an eyebrow.

"...So? Having them in my head is one thing, writing is another, but this!" She gestured to the stage. "Is going to make me go insane, and I mean even more than I already am!"

'Geez, everyone here is off their rocker.' I sweat dropped. 'Big difference to how they appeared to be before.'

Clearing my throat I watched MisstressPhantomhive sit down on the sofa beside Trytan who was now seated between her and Lunaria.

"As I was saying I have questions here, some for the author some not. But I'd rather not call you author so what should I call you?"

She shrugged. "Anna, Julianna, a form of that name, Jill, or Jillyane. It doesn't matter, pick one."

"Well then I pick...."


What do you pick? Leave a comment (Inline is preffered) In this area with your question and who it's for and I promise I'll upload it and have it answered.

Also please leave your inline comments in this section so they'll be easy to find, thank you.


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