Episode 11 Part 2/4: Trytan And Nightshade

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Geez you're all amazing. I upload a chapter and barely seven minutes later it already has a comment! You guys are awesome, please keep reading. *bows with a smile*


Lunaria Pov:

It had been fifteen minutes since Yui and I had been outed, and the ballroom was abuzz with chattering creatures talking about us. We'd somehow managed to lose Desmond in the crowd, but we'd also managed to find the Mukami's who happily used us as a distraction to get away from the group of men they were talking to.

"My, my I must say that the elegant Lunaria is quite a nice turn from the badass one we met on the shoot." Yuma's smirk brought a slight blush to my face. I was used to being complemented by the Sakamaki's, so much so that their words were flattering, yes, but overused. It was nice to hear someone else say it for a change.

"Yes, and these two beautiful ladies belong to us." The sound of Laito's growl had caused the Muakami's , Yui, the small groups of people around us, and of course me, to turn and look at him. This is turn casued everyone around the small groups to turn which caused a chain reaction until everyone was being nosy.

I ignored the attention for favor of the rising tension in the princes around me. "Yeah? I don't see a claim on either one of them, so they're fair game right?"

"Hell no!" The growl had come from Ayato who looked at the smirking Kou with cold eyes.

"Wait!" I jumped in causing both parties and then some,  (*cough, cough* nosy guests* cough,cough) to look at me oddly.

"Stay out of it." Shu sighed softly. His tone held an edge of protectiveness that told more to me than to others, well with me having been his maid for eight years... 

"I will not." I huffed. "I'm not a baby, and you're all discussing my fate like I'm a toy! I can't speak for Yui, but it's getting annoying and I'm ready to punch the lot of you for acting like babies! None of you have a claim on me-"

'Though I want them to..' I thought, but pushed it aside in favor of continuing my rant.

"-So allow me to choose who I talk to and quit fighting over me!"

There was apart of me that regretted storming off in anger, and another part of me that was happy to have ten sexy guys fighting over me, but the bark of me was more annoyed than pleased.

Making my way to the punch bowl I grabbed a drink of Kool-Aid or wine or whatever the bright neon blue substance was and poured it into a fancy glass that'd be stained with my lipstick soon.

Sipping it slowly I fought the urge to spit it out.

'What the hell is this?!' I inwardly growled. It was like iron, but overly sweet iron with a sour after taste.

"I take it that the drink doesn't suit the human's tastes?" I whipped around to face a man with blue hair and blue gray eyes. He wore a white suit jacket that was left unbuttoned over a white untucked dress shirt that held a thin midnight blue tie. His white suit pants were tighter than what most would consider appropriate for a ball, actually, no, his suit pants were tighter than most would consider appropriate for a suit in its own right. 

"Uh, no, I don't really favor the taste." I answered after his question registered.

"I see, well I wouldn't think that a human would like it's own kind anyways."

"Wait, why are you referring to humans as it? And what do you mean by "own kind"?"

"Well, to vampires, and most other creatures, your species is more of an "it" than a "them". As for the "own kind" comment, that drink there-" He pointed to the punch in the bowl. "Is mermaid's blood, donor of course, and human heart with a rare blood type. Mermaid's blood overpowers that of a human and turns it that pretty blue color you see there."

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