Diabolik Lovers Dark Bridal: Fantasy

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Rated: R (Mature)

WARNING: Incest, Oc x Harem, Smut, Yaoi, and Cursing


Summary: Lunaria has been working in the Sakami household as a vampire maid. However she's actually a human. So what happens when the Sakami's find out? What happens when the Mukami's are thrown in? And why does every supernatural creature seemed to be drawn to her? Find out as you read Diabolik Lovers Dark Bridal: Fantasy.


Third Person Pov:

The red haired girl looked at the clock on the wall. 6:53 pm, it read. 'Almost time to wake up the young master's.' She thought as she put on her maid uniform. She slipped on her required black plank shoes, and left the room.

She walked down the hall, and out of the servants quarters. She crossed the path that separated the main house from the servants house, and unlocked the mansion door.

She closed and locked the door behind her, then began to walk up to the fourth floor of the mansion.

She spotted the first door easily, it was painted a dark almost black purple, and had a golden handle.

She opened the door, that happened to be unlocked, and walked inside. The red head gracefully walked towards the sleeping person in the bed, then leaned down.

"Master Kanato, it's time to wake up." She spoke gently. Kanato didn't stir. "Please, Master Kanato, wake up." She tried again.

She received a groan and a short "Go away." from the teenager. "Master Kanato." She said shaking him. "A few more minutes Lunaria." He groaned as he rolled over taking his beloved teddy bear with him.

With a sigh she gave up and walked out, it seemed today would be one of those days for Kanato.

Lunaria Pov:

I left Master Kanato's room and walked down the hall to see the next door. The door was painted a bloody red and had a gold handle.

I opened the door, and walked towards the bed.

"Master Ayato." I called softly. He groaned.

"Lunaria, leave yours truly alone for a few more minutes." He groaned sleepily. I sighed, and left.

Next was Laito's room which had a crimson door, with a black handle.  I turned the door nob and walked in.

I heard a moan from under the covers, the moan didn't sound pained but rather pleasured filled.

"Master, Laito. It's time to get ready for school." I told him. "Ah ha Lunaria, leave me alone. I need more sleep." He told me before drifting back off into his, probably sex filled, dreams.

I walked from his room, to a room with a gray door with a silver handle. Knowing it was locked I just stood outside.

"Master Subaru, it's time to get up." I heard a "Fuck Off!", and sighed.

I walked towards a dark blue door with a silver handle. I knew that it would be locked. Master Reiji liked his privacy. "'Master Reiji-" I began.

"Leave me." I heard and I sighed.

The last door was a sky blue with a gold handle. This door was almost always locked. I tried to open it and it was locked.

"Master Shu-" I began heard but I heard a quiet "Go away.", from him.

I left the hallway and went downstairs. If it was gonna be one of those days then there was only one way to wake them up.

I got the ingredients for miso soup, an omelet, and Jasmine tea out.

-40 minutes later-

As soon as the table was set, all the seats were filled by 6 vampires.

"Thanks Lunaria." The chorused before digging in. I gave a smile before I remembered something.

"I just remembered that I needed to do something, I'll be right back Masters." I told them before I bowed and left the room.

I left the mansion and walked into the servants house quietly as to not wake up the other servants to early. I made it to my room, and looked around form my pills, and potion.

"It's  not here. Damnit." I quietly cursed.

I hurriedly looked around my room, and when I didn't find it, dread filled me. "Oh no." I said aloud.

I bolted out of my room and out of the servants house as silently as possible. I ran back into the mansion, then speed walked to the kitchen, and pass that brothers who were still eating.

I went into the pantry and found the 'rare ingredient' case. And there was my pills and daily potion. I swallowed the pills that wouldn't activate until I had downed the potion.

I uncapped the purple liquid and was about to drink it down when Ayato came in. "Hey Lunaria-what are you doing?" He asked changing his sentence half way.

"Uh.." I couldn't find an answer.

"What's that?" He asked walking closer. I opened my mouth to down it when it was taken from my hands.

Ayato now having the bottle in his hands sniffed it. "Why does this smell like pheromones, vampire venom, and orange bane?" He asked me suspiciously.

"You know this stuff is like a drug to vampires right? So why are you taking it? Are you a drug addict or something?" He asked as he crushed the bottle.

My eyes widened as the purple liquid rand down his hands and dripped on top the floor. 'No.' I whimpered in my head.

Without that potion to make me smell and act like a vampire, they would find out that I was human!

Third Person Pov:

The red haired teen stared at the maid infront of him.

'Why would she need this?' He asked himself. He opened his mouth to ask her yet another question when her scent hit him.

She smelled sweet like chocolate, strawberries, vanilla, cherries, and watermelon. 

Ayato's eyes flashed a brilliant bright red , and he bean to inch closer to the girl. She backed away, and he gabbed her arm. With a soft tug she was forced into his barely covered chest.

"Your human, aren't you?" He asked as he trailed his nose up and down the right side of her neck just taking in her sweet scent.

Lunaria froze in his arms. He knew, he now knew the secret that she had been keeping form him and his brothers.

Suddenly Ayato chuckled. "Well then, the others need to know this little..piece of information." He told me as he began to drag me out of the pantry, through the kitchen, and into the dining room where his brothers sat now full.


Right well that's it for this chapter.

Anyway.. Luanria's picture is to the side. ->

And you'll find her maid's dress in the external link. ->







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