Episode 14: Ignorance Is My New Best Friend 1/2

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Reiji Pov:

I looked around the house wondering where Lunaria was. She'd been avoiding us for a week, but now she just dissapeared.

"Found her yet?" Ayato asked.

"No her scent is faint, even in her room."

"Damn.." He mumbled. "We royally fucked up didn't we?"

I hadn't bothered to answer his question, especially when the answer was so blatantly obvious.

"Well, where else could she be?" Shu sighed lazily from his place on the sofa.

I glared at him. "If I knew then I'd tell you."

"Snapping isn't going to help find her, if it was we would have her with us." Laito sighed.

I exhaled in annoyance. "Yui, do you have an idea?" I asked.

She seemed to think for a moment. "No, but you could call Desmond, I'm sure he'd know..."

I didn't think that it was possible that he would know where she was, but if there was one thing Lunaria taught me it was; "When something's lost and you've checked the obvious and most likely places, check the odd and unlikely."

Desmond was certain odd and unlikely in it's best form.

Picking up my phone I quickly made the call and put it on speaker.

"What?!" Came the annoyed reply.

"Desmond I need your help." I stated.

"I'm a bit busy, right now." I heard a grunt and a moan along with a squeak.

"Desmond you'd better not be having sex when I, of all people, am trying enlist your help." I growled.

"Well too bad, I'm having sex and you're-" He grunted again. "-bothering me."

"Damn it Desmond get off the damn phone and fuck us!" The joined voices of a male and female howled.

My eye twitched. He was having a threesome when- "Call me back when you finish your ridiculous shit."

I hung up the phone without hearing his reply, if he even had one.

I looked at my brother's whose expressions ranged from mildly annoyed, to slightly amused, to indifferent.

Yui on the other hand was bright red.

I opened my mouth to speak when a knock sounded at the door. Moments later I heard it creak open and soon the Mukami's entered the play room.

"You're finally here." I stated.

"Well traffic was hell and your house isn't exactly a hop, skip, and a jump away." Ruki answered.

"So, that aside, what happened to Luna?" Yuma asked, using a nickname he'd never gotten the chance to call to her face.


Third Person Pov:

While Reiji went on to explain the events, Lunaria was far away and just waking up from her induced sleep.

"Where am I?" She wondered.

The last thing she remembered was asking the Sakamaki brothers about going to a ball, although she wasn't sure what had happened after that.

'Did I faint?' She wondered as she looked around. 'Couldn't have. This room isn't in the manor.'

Sitting up in the, now that she looked at it, extravagant (and exceedingly large) bed, she noticed that she'd never seen such a lavish room.

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