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"So, Soph.. are you gonna tell us anything about our first location we're hitting tomorrow?" Sam asked, eating a bite of his food.

"What's the fun in me telling you before we're even close to being there?" I teased.

"Oh c'mon, we should know a little something! Don't you think?" Kat asked.

"Okay, okay fine. I'll spill!" I took a sip of my drink and set it aside. "Obviously, you guys know tomorrow night we are going to be locked in Hill View Manor for the night. A very iconic location for me and Angelina when it comes to investigating... and here's why."

"I don't even know this story, so I'm excited to know about this." Colby stated, taking a bite of his pizza.

Before you ask... yes. Out of all the food at the buffet, he's still eating like a four year old. But it's fine.

"Wait, you haven even shared with Colby what happened?" Sam asked.

"Now why wild I tell anyone before the trip? I want it to be a nice little surprise." I shrugged my shoulders. "Anyways, let's get into the story."

"It was summer 2021, and it was me and Angelina's first big investigation. To say we were excited to finally be at such a notorious place was an understatement. It was certainly an adventure of my dreams." I said with a smirk.

"Hey! I thought that was me!" Colby exclaimed.

"Oh, eat your pizza." I said with a giggle. "Have any of you actually been here before?"

They all shook their head no.

"So this should be fun. I've been dying to go back since this night. It's just too bad Angelina couldn't make it out here for this one. Not that we need redemption, it just left us wanting more answers. Maybe the place lowkey dragged us in."

"Yeah, cause that's not creepy." Kat said.

"We'll start off with the chapel. As you guys know, Angelina works as a phlebotomist. We were in a group of probably ten people, a few of them had K-2 meters, we always brought our own equipment. She was the only one in the room getting spikes. I swear the guy sitting in front of us was jealous cause he practically shove his in her bubble and got no spikes while her's was completely red. Someone else was using an ovilus and the words "scared", "blood", and "needle" came through. We felt that they thought she was a nurse and they were scared of her."

"That's too bad she can't come, I think it would be interesting. Not to use her as a trigger object, but it would be sick to see what kind of communication she could get coming back in." Sam said.

"That's not all of it. When we went back to investigate solo, I was sitting there recoding her while I tried to get communication on the spirit box. I swear I looked away from a split second. She was using the K-2 meter again, and set it down on the chair beside her while she asked questions. I wasn't looking, but she had her eyes glued to it and she watched the K-2 meter move, it almost fell off of the chair. We didn't get any further communication in that room afterwards."

"There's more, isn't there?" Kat asked.

"Of course there's more. You didn't just expect one simple story out of this big of a location, did you?" I asked.

"No, I definitely know I'm talking to my psychic friend is all." She said with an anxious laugh.

"Next we go to the basement. When we were done there for the group investigation, the best thing that happened was in the first stage room at the bottom of the stairs. The group leader asked the spirits if they could say how many people were in the room. When he played it back you heard the spirit going "one, two, three, four..." it was nuts!"

"We obviously went back when we were solo. That alone took a lot out of me cause basements creep me the fuck out... but this was plain weird.There's no light in the basement other than the red exit signs hanging up on the ceilings. We were sitting in the same stage room doing an EVP session. The vibes were just weird. it felt like we shouldn't have been down there. I honestly had to keep watching behind my back because it felt so strongly that someone was watching us, or even hovering over my shoulder. All of the sudden we heard the loud, heavy metal door that you have to open to have access down to the basement. So I said we should stop rolling on the EVP so it wasn't tampered with since people were coming down. I decided to peak my head out of the room just to callout that people were down here investigating so we didn't spook them, especially because we herd footsteps running down the stairs. When I peaked out of the doorway while you could still hear footsteps running, there was NOBODY there. Safe to say we were done with the basement after that one."

"I vote that I'm not going into the basement alone." Kat said. "I'm tapping out in advance, sorry!"

"No that's so creepy! It was running at you?" Sam asked.

"Running down the stairs dude, it's hard to replicate something like that. Even that basement door was heavy to me. I can't even imagine how much energy it would take a spirit to do that." I replied.

"Estes method in the basement?" Colby asked. "Maybe Soph should go under."

"One more location to inform you about, the third floor nurses wing."

"Oh cool, it just doesn't end!" Kat exclaimed before taking another bite of food.

"We were with two other girls that we met at this point, they stood with their backs up against the wall using their ovulis. I sat in a chair against the wall opposite of them. To my right was a rec room, a couple patient rooms, and storage closets. Notably only the rec room had a door, keep that in mind. The girls along with Angelina were all standing together. Our goal was to just sit in the dark and become one with the space. The thought we had was that a lot of ghost hunters don't like to sit still sometimes and just tune in with the location. No lights, no distractions, just adjusting your eyes to the space." I paused for a moment to take a drink.

"Right beside me was a patient room. I mean I was sitting RIGHT beside it. Angelina goes "I don't want to scare you, but.." which is no way to start anything, but I refused to turn my flashlight on. She tells me that she just saw the shadow of a child run into the room beside me. I peaked into the room, but it honestly made a lot of sense. The wing we were at is where children's rooms were at. So now my eyes are glued watching down this hall. At the end of this hall is two storage rooms. No lie I see a head peak out from the one on the left. I didn't say anything, just kept watching. The head slowly slipped back in, but the longer I watched, I then saw an arm stick out."

"Now we're just seeing limbs? What the fuck dude?" Sam said. "This place already sounds so creepy."

"Finally I say something to the girls, and none of them saw what I saw. But in their defense, they were in their own little world doing other things. I was just glued to the spot. At least I thought I was. I remember that I didn't feel scared. In my head I knew that I wasn't. I got up from there chair and walked backwards towards the corner that Angelina was by and I backed into there corner and slid down the wall. My heart was racing, I felt like I was hiding from someone, But at the same time I was not scared. And you wanna know the best part?" I asked.

"What's that?" Colby responded.

"This location, this night was the night I learned the abilities that I have."

** A.N. **

Here is where the story gets fun! I hope you liked Soph's story time in this chapter, because these are real encounters that my best friend and I had at Hill View Manor back in June of 2021. (Including my abilities). Attached is a picture she took of me inside of the nurses wing, so you can get an idea of what this place looked like during investigation. Hope you enjoy, I got some really good things coming your way! ❤️

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