Thirty Three {Colby's POV}

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"I don't like this, I'm not comfortable leaving her alone." I said as we shuffled down the stairs to go meet back with Angelina and Ryan.

"Do you think that she's okay?" Kat asked.

"Of course, she's a strong girl. She's fought worse than this, I have faith that it is going to work out." Sam said as we walked outside.

Angelina and Ryan were sitting at the bench in front of the building.

"Not the three amigos, where is my best friend at?" Angelina asked, rubbing her stomach. "Don't you make me go mom mode."

"She asked to be left alone to deal with the entity in there, we weren't allowed to argue it. You know how Soph is, stubborn as hell."

We sat the equipment down and I sat on the bench beside them.

"I'm going to grab the first aid kit from the car so we can get that cleaned up." Kat walked over to the car and Ryan shot me a look. "First aid for what?"

I sighed, about to raise my shirt. I knew the second they saw the scratches they would be freaked out that Sophia was inside alone.

But we had to respect her wishes, no matter how much I didn't want to.

"Because lover boy got scratched, Sophia asked that we cleaned it up." Kat said as she walked back over to me.

I decided to get up and let her sit so I could stand up, to make it easier to clean. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it up about halfway.

The scratches were longer than I realized, but it also bled a decent amount. It was so quick, I couldn't feel anything in the moment but the burning sensation. Same as I would now the second that the peroxide would hit in.

"Jesus Christ," I hissed out in pain. It burned like hell, in all honesty burned more than when the contact happened.

"Boy you must be outta your damn mind to get scratched like that and leave her in there alone!" Angelina exclaimed as she slowly stood up from the bench. "If you got scratched that bad, she's in danger. That's not no baby scratch, look how much blood that drew from you!"

"Do you seriously think I wanted to walk away from her and what she's doing? You think I'm not worried or concerned about her? She saw me hurt and didn't want anything to happen to Sam or Kat. She wanted to keep us safe because at the end of the day the reason I got scratched was due to something she did and she wanted to fix it!" I threw my hands in the air as I groaned and took a step back.

I was just frustrated.

"She's so busy saving everyone else that she never thinks about how she can save herself. Something goes wrong up there, who saves her? Who is to know? How long would we actually sit out here until we realized?" Angelina asked question after question.

"Hun, she asked us to leave first for your safety and we asked no questions. We left and did what she said, so you can't chew them out when we're in the same boat as they are. We're no better if you really think about it." Ryan said, rubbing his hand along her shoulder. "Just take a minute to breathe, everything will be fine."

I looked over at Sam who was messing with the thermal camera, panning it along the front of the building to see if he could spot any shadows or figures moving around.

Until I saw a look of concern on his face.

"I can see her heat signature, she's in John's room." Sam said. "Kat grab the spotlight and shine it up there for me."

Kat ran over to the car and grabbed the spotlight and went back to where Sam was standing, pressing the button and shining it at John's room.

"Is she messing with her neck? What's going on?" Kat asked, tilting her head in confusion as she watched her.

"Soph isn't that tall.."

My heart dropped.

I ran over to the car and dug through the bag to get the bottle of holy water.

"Let's fucking go Sam, something's wrong!" Sam passed the thermal over to Kat and we booked it back into the building, heading up to the third floor to make it to Sophia as fast as we could.

I didn't have time to think or process anything, I had to save her before something bad happened.

"Sophia! We're coming to you, Sophia! Keep fighting!" I screamed out as we ran up the last set of stairs.

When we hit the third floor it was quiet, but we knew she was in John's room. Before we even stepped foot into the room we saw her being held up in the air, clawing at her neck to be let go. I don't think she could even tell that we were there.

"Give me this." Sam took the holy water out of my hands and pushed me into the room. "Her behind her and get ready for her to fall at any point."

I ran into the room and positioned myself behind her.

I don't know what led up to this moment, and frankly I was a little too scared to even know what got us here in the first place.

This was terrifying.

Sam began tossing the holy water all over Sophia as he stated the prayer.

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."

"Amen." I let out a sigh of relief as I watched her body fall into my arms, holding her as close to me as possible.

We may have gotten to her, but was it truly in time?

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