Eighteen {Colby's POV}

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The flight honestly wasn't terrible.

Sam and Kat were in front of us watching a movie, occasionally looking over wedding stuff because they would ask me for my opinion on some things.

Sophia was asleep, which she needed. 

It was perfect also, because I had a surprise up my sleeve that would be waiting at Hill View Manor for us. More along the lines as a surprise for Soph, but it was definitely going to be for everyone else also.

This was going to be exciting.

"Everyone, this is your pilot speaking. It is 1:05 pm and we are beginning our decent. If you could please fasten your seatbelts, we should be landing in about fifteen minutes. Again, thank you for flying with Southwest Airlines, and enjoy your stay in the city of Pittsburgh."

I nudged Sophia so she should wake up. For one she needed to buckle up, and for two I knew she would want to watch the decent down to land.

"Soph, time to wake up." She groaned a little, causing me to nudge her again. "Babe, you have to buckle up. We're going to land in a few."

She rubbed over her eyes and let out a yawn, then buckling her seatbelt.

"Someone was tired, huh?" I asked.

"Well a lot has happened in the last 48 hours, Brock." She raised the blind on the window and watched closely as we began to get lower and lower.

Landing was a little rough, but at least we made it. Getting our bags was a little annoying. Not that it was terrible, but the way people pushed for bags when it wasn't even there's was getting on my last nerve. If you can't have patience to let someone grab their bags, kindly shut the fuck up.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

"Alright, that's everything." Sam said.

"Perfect. Let's go get the rental." Sophia said, pulling her suitcase behind her.

We didn't know which one shows going to, so we just followed her lead.

Finally we reached Hertz and we just stayed to the side as Soph waited in line. She knew what she was doing, and she didn't need any interruptions.

It took roughly fifteen minutes, but Sophia came back with a set of keys in her hands.

"Alright, follow me." She said with a smile and headed towards the door where we went to the garage to retrieve the vehicle. "I picked this one so we had enough trunk room for the equipment."

She walked up to a red CX-5 and popped the trunk. She set her bag in the trunk first and unlocked the rest of the car. Kat also got in the car and myself and Sam loaded up our bags and the rest of the equipment, then getting in the car.

"We can't check into the hotel until 4. So do we wanna grab food on the way there?" Sophia asked.

"I'm okay with McDonalds." Sam said.

"Me too." Kat added.

"McDonald's it is." Soph said, putting in the address to the hotel into the car's GPS. "Let's just get some road tunes, and we'll be on our way." She put a throwback station on and went ahead and backed out of the parking spot, following the lines on the ground out of the garage.

"It's gonna be about an hour, so I'll have Colby search for a nearby McDonald's when were halfway." She turned onto the street and began the drive.

Half an hour later I was looking at the closest place that we could go to. "There's one fifteen minutes from the hotel." I said.

"Will you punch it into the GPS for me?" She asked and I nodded, changing the address for her.

Finally we pull into the parking lot and pull up behind the car in the drive-thru. Once it was our turn everyone gave their orders to Soph. She ordered for us and pulled forward to pay for the food. When we pulled up to the second window they first handed the drinks, which I took from her and passed around.

Soph went and parked the car in an empty space so we could eat our lunch before going to the hotel to unpack and get everything put together for the night. We didn't have to be at the location until 7 for the tour, which my surprise would be showing up for the investigation. She just has to learn that she's not the only one with trick's up her sleeve too.

"Everything is going according to plan, see you later." I sent the text and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"So, do you guys have any thoughts on your wedding party? Like who is going to be in it?" Soph asked, tossing her food wrappers into the empty McDonald's bag.

Kat nodded her head. "Yeah we talked about it a little bit on the plane, I think his nerves are calming down a little bit knowing you guys offered to help."

"Everything will be great." Sam said, resting his hand on top of Kat's and flashed a smile.

"Are we ready to get back on the road then?" She asked, and everyone agreed in unison.

I gathered up all of the garbage from our lunch and set it aside, Soph backing out of the parking spot and hopping back on the road, following the GPS to the hotel.

"The last time I was here, this is the same hotel that me and Angelina stayed at. We got suuuper drunk at the pool." She said with a laugh. "That was a good weekend."

"Sounds like we're stopping for drinks then." Sam said.

Soph playfully rolled her eyes. "The way y'all like them nasty ass white claws kills me."

"Oh, like you never drank them before?" Sam rebutted.

"Only when I'm desperate, Sammy boy."

We were five minutes from the hotel and Soph pulled into the parking lot of a liquor store. "Go get whatever your little heart's desire."

This was bound to be an interesting roadtrip, that's for sure.

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