Thirty Four {Colby's POV}

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How could I have let this happen again? How could I leave her? How could I let her get hurt like that?

I couldn't even hear Sam as I ran down the stairs in a panic.

My mind wouldn't stop racing about my unconscious girlfriend and how this was all my fault.

I shouldn't have left her.

"Oh no, it's happening again." Danielle sputtered out, making me stop in my tracks and look over at her.

"Again? This happens to people here?" I asked.

"I'm calling 911!" She yelled out and ran to the office to retrieve her phone.

I turned away from her and walked Sophia outside and went straight towards the bench out front, so i could sit with her.

"Colby Brock, why is my best friend unconscious?!" I expected this out of Angelina, but I had to tune her out. The only thing I cared about was making sure my girlfriend was alive and well.

"Colby..? Colby..?" I was shaken out of my fog by Sam. "Paramedics will be here in ten."

"How could I have left this happen to you? My sweet girl." My heart broke as I dipped my head down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You and me babe. I'm not going anywhere. I should've been there with you, I hate leaving you alone."

My fingertips slid across her skin as tears welled up in my eyes.

"I just can't believe y'all would let something like this happened to her!" Angelina shouted, tears running down her face.

"Ang, let's be serious here. Nobody knew something would happen. Don't sit here and act like you don't know how stubborn she is, and if it was just the two of you, wouldn't have done this situation different." Sam retorted. "Be so forreal. You can't blame this on Colby."

"But just look at her!" She said, pointing to her friend.

"Look at Colby! Don't you see the pain in his face right now? Don't you see how destroyed he is over her right now?" Sam said in a slighter angrier tone. "I know you're worried about Sophia, we all are! I told you last time, we take chances to get answers. You learned this last year. But don't forget you know Colby too."

"It should've been me.." I muttered quietly.

Everyone turned my way when I spoke.

I looked back at all over them with tears pouring down my face.

"It's eating me alive that I couldn't be there to help her. I'm supposed to protect her." I sniffled, shaking my head lightly.

My head dipped back down as I heard sirens getting closer to us, the red and blue lights flashing.

Once the paramedics arrived and took her from my arms.

I was in a complete fog.

All I know is that Sam was doing all the talking for me, Danielle adding in at points.

I could hear them, but their words went in one ear and right out the other.

Standing back, I watched as they loaded her on the stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. Sam clapped his hand against my back.

"Ride with her, we'll meet you there." Nodding, I climbed into the ambulance and sat in the back corner seat.

I never uttered a word, just sat there and ran my fingers through her hair as the paramedics worked on her.

The ride was long, or else it felt long. I couldn't really tell. I was wishing that this fog my head was in would stop, so I could be more involved with her accident.

How long was she struggling to breathe?

We arrived at the hospital and I jogged behind them as they pushed her into the emergency room doors.

I couldn't follow them all the way through, they made me wait out there with everyone else.

"I need help! Please help!" My head turned in that direction due to hearing Ryan screaming out. "My wife is about to have a baby!"

In his embrace was Angelina, her face a little red as she was holding her stomach, taking deep breaths.

Another nurse ran over to them with a wheelchair, helping Angelina into it and wheeling her away as Ryan gave the secretary any information that they needed.

"Seems like we were going to end up here one way or another." Sam said, plopping down in the seat beside me.

"Soph would lose her mind if she knew her good child was being born while unconscious. I hate all of this." I said, scrubbing my hands over my face.

"It's a beautiful thing that we get to experience this with them..." Kat trailed off for a moment. "But you will need to get the rental cleaned."

"Her water broke in the car? Fun."

Ryan walked over to us after talking with the secretary. "I'm going to go find Ang's room, I'll keep you guys posted. Please do the same if you find anything out about Sophia." He clapped his hand on my back and gave me a soft smile.

"We're all in this together, brother."

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