Thirty One

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"Dude, I get full body chills everytime I see you do that." Sam said as he and Kat entered the room.

"That was only the second time." I replied.

"My point still stands." Sam said with a sly smirk.

"You just feel the change in the air when it happens." Kat stated. "Sometimes I kinda wish I had your ability, that has to be such a beautiful thing to witness."

"Guys, something's out here!" Angelina shouted from behind the nurses station.

We stepped out of the room to see one of the golf balls from the counter was rolling down the hall.

"I promise you we got video of that flying off of there. I wouldn't believe it if it didn't see it for myself." Ryan said, walking over with his camera so we could review the footage.

Sam grabbed the camera from him to look back at it, and just like he said, it surely happened.

Something in the air felt off right now.

You know that feeling when you get creeped out because it feels like someone is behind you staring at you?

It felt like a pair of eyes were daggers burning into my skin.

"Oh, this can't be good." I mumbled.

"What's up, babe?" Colby asked, looking over at me.

"I made him mad." I replied, taking a few steps back until my back pressed up against the wall.

"Did you see that?" Angelina asked. "I just saw a shadow go into that room!" She pointed to the doorway to the left of the nurses station.

The same as last time.

It was happening again.

"Not again.." I looked over at Angelina and was locked on her. I felt genuine fear and I wasn't sure if it was for her, myself, or both of us.

"Ryan get her outside, now!" I shouted, he quickly handed the equipment over to Kat and ran over to Angelina to help her up from the seat.

"Just stay outside for now, it's for your own good. I don't want you in here for this." I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, taking a few deep breaths.

I wanted to panic so bad, but I didn't know what to expect.

The energy alone that I felt right now was terrifying.

We sat there in silence.

Everything was eerily quiet until another golf ball rolled over the counter and bounced onto the floor.

"Who's here with us? Make your presence known. We just want to talk and hear your story." Sam said, panning the thermal camera around.

"Stop!" Kat exclaimed, the Ovilus read.

"You don't want to talk to us? Why are you hiding?" Sam asked, trying to pan for answers.

I slowly looked around the floor, my eyes had become adjusted to the darkness and it was easier to see the surroundings.

Sometimes the best way to hunt was to take in the location for its true form and immerse yourself.

My eyes kept bouncing back and forth watching the different spots that were the most active for us last time.

Part of it has already repeated itself, anything could happen.

"Do we wanna try the Estes method?" Colby asked.

"Hard pass." I shot it down immediately.

"Well that's not like you." Colby scooted closer to me and rested his hand on my knee. "You okay?"

"I wish there was a way to explain it to you, but this is dark. I've done this before, I can do it again. But I'd rather my people stay safe than to put anyone in harms way."

"I appreciate that!" Kat said. "I'm creeped out dude."

From the left side of the hall we heard one of the children's toys giggle.

"Fuck that." Sam pushed himself up from the floor and took his thermal camera with him as he went to check out the kids room.

"Please be careful, it's just trying to separate us." I said, another golf ball rolling off the counter and bouncing onto the floor, rolling right towards Kat.

"Sam, I don't like this." Kat turned on her mini flashlight and picked up the golf ball, noticing that there was something carved into it.

Things were starting to pick up.

All of the sudden we were all jumpscared by the blasting sound of music.

"What the fuck is that?" Colby asked as he jumped up, spinning his camera from side to side.

"It's the recreation room. That's the organs playing." I got up from the floor and crossed my arms over my chest. "It has no power, it's not plugged in. That's a pretty typical claim that they have."

"So you're telling me that a random instrument that has no power source just did that?" Kat asked, and I nodded. "That's actually the first time I've heard it."

"Alright, I'm doing this." Sam placed his camera back onto the tripod and pulled out the spirit box, turning it on.

The loud sound filled the room before sweeping through the radio stations.

"Who's here with us? What do you want?" Sam yelled out. "Talk to us!"


"There's no nurses here to help you." Sam retorted. "We're just here to talk to you."

"Need. Medicine."

"Unfortunately we cannot get you any medicine, is there any other way to help you?" Kat asked.

"What are you sick with?" Colby asked.


"Oh.." Kat said with a sad face. "I couldn't imagine suffering like that even after dying."

"I'm dead?"

"Sadly, you have passed away from your sickness. You are stuck here, you have been since you died." Sam said.

"No! I'm alive, just sick."

"You are not alive. We are.. that's why we can see each other. We are physical beings. We cannot see you. We have to use this device here just to speak to you." Sam explained.

We sat there for a minute as the talking stopped, and you could hear the faint sound of coughing.

"I don't want to die."

"How do you even respond to this?" It breaks my heart." Kat placed her hand over her heart and jutted out her bottom lip.

Suddenly a blood curdling scream came over the spirit box, causing Sam to drop it on the floor.

"Ow, what the fuck? It just burned my hand!" Kat shined the flashlight on Sam's hand to see red marks on the palm of his hand.

"Brother what was that sound?" Colby asked. "That was creepy as fuck."

"You really came back?"

I heard a voice ask, causing me to look up and around at my surroundings. "Who said that?"

"Nobody said anything." Kat stated.

"Over here."

In front of me was a head peaking out from the supply closet, this time claw like fingers were over the door frame. Once it realized I made eye contact with it, a large grin plastered along its face.

"Did ya miss me?"

Haunted Love {Colby Brock}Where stories live. Discover now