A New Friend?

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As the trio flew through lightspeed, they decided to talk.

"So the rumors are true, Senator. Nute Gunray has betrayed the Republic. How did this happen?" Qui-Gon asked Padmé.

Padmé sighed.

"It all started a few weeks ago. A number of warships landed on Alderaan and an army of battle droids lead by Gunray and several other government officials from other worlds invaded Theed and said they were taking control of our government. They called themselves 'The Separatists', and said they wanted to create a government free of the Republic. Alderaan is a peaceful planet with no weapons, so obviously we couldn't fight back." she explained.

"What about your gungan friend? Tarpals, was it? He and the other gungans with him had weapons. And this ship is equipped with quite a few turrets according to what I'm seeing on this terminal." Obi-Wan said as he looked at a ship terminal screen.

"My gungan friends have weapons because Alderaan is home to two civilizations. The human civilization on land that's lead by the House of Organa, and the underwater gungan civilization. The gungans do carry some weapons, but only use them in times of crisis. As for why my ship has turrets, that's because my ship isn't from Alderaan. She's a J-Type 3-7 Nubian equipped with a few turrets just in case I run into any trouble when I'm offworld, not many other Alderaan citizens have a ship like mine." Padmé explained.

"But why was Tarpals and those other gungans there to help us? Obi-Wan and I didn't see any other gungans in Theed on our way to the palace or when we were fleeing from there." Qui-Gon asked.

"Captain Tarpals is a longtime friend of my family and the Organas, so it's no surprise he would help us. He and his fellow rebel gungans had been trying to fight back agaisnt the Separatist invaders ever since the invasion begaun. Unfortunately, the rest of the gungan civilization doesn't get along with people from the surface, so that's why you didn't see any others." Padmé told them.

"But I don't understand. Why would they try to kill you along with us, Senator?" asked Qui-Gon.

"I'm not entirely sure. Maybe they thought I was of no more use to them? I've only been a senator for about a year now, not nearly as long as the other Alderaan senators. But I truly am sorry I helped lure you into that trap. I thought I had time to plan a way to help you escape and so you could help Alderaan." Padmé spoke.

"It's alright; you didn't know. But there's something I want to ask. Exactly how old are you, Senator Amidala?" Qui-Gon asked.

"I'm 15, for your information." Padmé said proudly, "I come from a family of nobility and studied to be a part of galactic politics ever since I was a little girl. By the time I was 14, I proved myself and was elected senator by my people."

"Oh, yes. I've heard that Alderaan elects its senators and other government officials sometimes when they're at a very young age." Qui-Gon said.

Suddenly, the ship's computer started beeping.

"That's not good." said Obi-Wan as he looked back at the ship's computer.

"What is it?" Qui-Gon asked worriedly.

"The hyperdrive is damaged. We won't be able to make it to Coruscant." Obi-Wan said.

"It must've been damaged when we were trying to escape." Padmé said.

"We should stop somewhere for repairs. Where's the nearest planet to us, Obi-Wan?" asked Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan checked the navigation computer.

"According to the scanners, there's only one planet besides Aldreaan that's near us. It's a planet that's located in the Outer Rim a little past Alderaan." Obi-Wan replied.

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