Return to Alderaan and Duel of the Fates

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We see flashes of horrible things happening. We see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fighting Darth Maul, we see Padmé being held at gunpoint, and we see Qui-Gon being stabbed.

"No... No!... NO!!!" Anakin screamed.

Then everything was dark and we hear this sound echoing:

And then Anakin woke up. He was in his room in the Jedi Temple, and extremely sweaty from the nightmare he had. He went out of his room and went looking for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. He ran into Chancellor Palpatine and his guards instead.

"Anakin, what are you doing up so early?" Palpatine asked.

"Chancellor Palpatine, where are Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Padmé?!" Anakin asked in a panic.

"You just missed them. They're about to travel back to Alderaan." said Palpatine.

"They can't go! They're gonna die! I- I don't know how to explain it, but I had a nightmare where they were killed on Alderaan! It felt so real!" said Anakin.

Palpatine pretended to have a worried look on his face.

"The Force is truly strong with you, Young Lars." he whispered, "You had a premonition of the future. I hear it's a very special Force ability."

"I need to go with them to Alderaan! I can't lose them!" said Anakin.

"Then I suggest you go now before they leave the planet. I will explain the situation to the Jedi Council. I was already on my way to speak to them about Alderaan, anyway." said Palpatine.

Anakin nodded, ran out of the temple, got on a speeder, and went to the landing platform where Padmé's ship was. There were some Republic workers loading crates full of weapon and supplies into the ship. Anakin knew Qui-Gon wouldn't allow him to come with them, even if he explained the premonition to him and the others, so he hid in one of the crates that was packed onto the ship. Then the ship took off and jumped to lightspeed before the Jedi Council could contact them and tell them about Anakin.

Once the ship landed on Alderaan in a swamp area, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Padmé, and R4 exited the ship and made their way toward a large swamp. Padmé was now wearing the purple battle outfit she wore in the actual Phantom Menace.

They continued walking, but then Qui-Gon stopped them all.

"I told you not to come, Anakin." said Qui-Gon.

They all turned around to see Anakin following them.

"Ani, what are you doing here?!" said Padmé.

"You were supposed to stay back at the Jedi Temple!" said Obi-Wan angrily.

"I'm sorry! But I had a vision of you all in danger and I came to help!" said Anakin.

"A vision?" said Padmé.

"Chancellor Palpatine told me it was some sort of special Force ability to see the future. I had a dream of you all dying here and I came to help." said Anakin.

"It's alright, Anakin. I understand you want to help us, but you are not ready to fight. For now, just stay close, and stay out of trouble." said Qui-Gon.

Anakin nodded, and they continued walking until they stopped at the swamp.

"This is the place?" asked Qui-Gon.

"It is. Tarpals told me his people live in this swamp. They should be here any minute now." said Padmé.

Then, several gungans, including Tarpals, emerged from the lake in three vehicles that looked like this:

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