The End of One Chapter and the Start of Another

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We cut to the people of Alderaan, both human and gungan, cheering as Nute Gunray was being lead out of the palace in chains. Alderaan had been liberated.

Boss Nass walked over to Padmé.

"Maybe you're right, Senator. Together, both our races were able to come together to stop this threat. Maybe there can be peace between us after all." he admitted.

Padmé smiled as they both looked at the human and gungan civilians celebrating and dancing in the streets together.

"Maybe there can be." she said.

Just then, Padmé's communicator went off.

"Padmé... are you there?" Obi-Wan's voice was heard from the device.

Padmé pulled out her communicator.

"Obi-Wan! What happened with the Sith Lord? Are you all ok? And what about Anakin? Is he alright?" Padmé asked worriedly.

"Please, just... get a medical team for Anakin." Obi-Wan said.

We then cut to Anakin waking up in the medical bay of Theed Palace. Padmé was there sitting at his side.

"Padmé?" Anakin said tiredly.

"Ani? Oh, thank the Force you're awake!" said Padmé.

Anakin sat up, and then... he remembered what happened before he passed out.

"Qui-Gon! Is he...?!" Anakin said in a panic.

Padmé looked down.

"Obi-Wan told me what happened. I'm sorry, Anakin... He's gone." she said as she looked back up at him.

Anakin began crying.

"No... No..." he whimpered.

Padmé immediately wrapped her arms around Anakin and held him close. She brushed his hair with her hand as she comforted him.

We cut to shortly after, where a number of Republic ships landed outside the palace.

A number of government officials and guards stepped out of the ships. One of those officials being Chancellor Palpatine. He walked over to Bail, Padmé, Anakin, Obi-Wan, R4, Tarpals, and Boss Nass, while some of the Chancellor's guards take Gunray away.

"Prince Bail, I am deeply sorry for the deaths of your parents. They were good people." Palpatine said.

"Thank you, Chancellor. It is now my responsibility to take their place as leader of Alderaan and to make sure something like this never happens again." said Bail, trying to fight back tears.

Palpatine then walked over to Anakin and Obi-Wan.

"I heard about Master Qui-Gon's death. You have my condolences. He was a good man." said Palpatine, pretending to care.

"It's all my fault, Chancellor. If I had just stayed at the Jedi Temple, then maybe..." Anakin said.

"Nonsense. I heard how you were able to stop the Sith Lord he was fighting with your incredible power. If not for you, then that Sith Lord may still be causing harm on this world. You did what you had to do, Anakin." Palpatine reassured him.

We cut to the lower levels beneath Theed Palace, where we see Darth Maul, missing his legs and unconscious.

Just then, we see Palpatine in his Sith robes with some battle droids finding Maul.

"Get a medial capsule. Quickly." Palpatine told the droids.

"Yes, Lord Sidious." said the droid commander.

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