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The group continued flying through hyperspace, when suddenly Anakin left the cockpit and went down to the lower level of the ship. Padmé followed him down to the droid holding area to see Anakin sitting on a cargo container and looking at the necklace his mother gave him that he was holding in his hand.

"You miss them already, don't you?" Padmé said as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"I do. Already feels like a lifetime since I last saw them." said Anakin.

"You'll see them again. I know you will." said Padmé with a smile.

"Hey, you never told me much about your planet and people. Could you tell me now?" said Anakin as he put the necklace in his pocket, trying to get his mind off things.

"Sure." Padmé said as she pulled up a crate next to Anakin's and sat down on it.

"Alderaan is a peaceful and beautiful planet. There are two main species that live there. My people - humans - and the other race - the gungans. My people and the gungans don't get along all too well, with the exception of my family and the House of Organa getting along with a long time family friend of ours named Captain Tarpals." explained Padmé.

"Why don't humans and gungans get along on Alderaan?" asked Anakin.

"It's a ridiculous reason. In the early days of our planet, humans saw gungans as freaks and lower class citizens, all because of their race and the fact that they live underwater." said Padmé.

"The gungans live underwater? That sounds cool." said Anakin.

"It is. They have an entire underwater civilization in the deepest parts of our oceans, but the majority of my people still see them as below them, even to this day. But my family and the House of Organa always saw the gungans as equals. They've been trying for years to put an end to the feud between humans and gungans, but the leader of the gungans - Boss Nass - refuses to make peace. He and most of the gungans refuse to forgive our people for the way we treated them, with the exception of Tarpals." Padmé said.

"Who are the House of Organa, anyway?" Anakin asked.

"They're the rulers of my people. The King and Queen are long time friends of my parents, and their son - Prince Bale Organa - is one of my oldest friends. They're great and noble people. They've been like family to me. But now they've been captured by the Separatists, and I don't even know if they're still alive." Padmé said as she lowered her head.

This time, Anakin put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Don't worry. The Jedi will save them." he said with a grin.

Padmé smiled and placed her hand on Anakin's.


But then their moment was interrupted by the sound of what sounded like a malfunction coming from a nearby thing that was covered by a large cloth.

"This again?" Padmé said in annoyance.

She walked over to the thing that was making noise and removed it to reveal an astromech droid that was on the fritz.

Pretend this droid is in a standing upright position and has sparks coming off it:

Pretend this droid is in a standing upright position and has sparks coming off it:

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