~Y/n's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 5 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Cussing


     Mattheo had just left the room. I knew I got to him but I felt kinda... bad. I snapped at him for something he didn't even know and now I probably am in for the most problematic night of my life in two days.

      I decided to just brush it off and go on with my day. I mean how bad could it really be? He's just Mattheo, not a serial killer.

  Oh wait, that's basically the same thing...

      I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I missed breakfast but it's fine as long as I don't miss class...

      I rushed down the stairs and out the common room. I made it just in time for Transfiguration with Mcgonagall. And just my luck the only seat open was the one right next to Mattheo. I sighed, swallowing my pride and moving to sit in the seat. The second I sat down I felt Mattheo's eyes on me. I didn't look back at him. Mcgonagall started her lesson and I kept my full attention on her.

   "Can't get enough of me?" Mattheo whispered in my ear.

   "There's nothing to get enough of." I whispered back, not breaking my gaze from Mcgonagall.

   "I'm going to make your life hell until that party."

   "You couldn't even try." I said, finally turning my gaze towards him. He just smirked at me.

   "Watch me." He kept eye contact with me until I broke it, putting my attention back on Mcgonagall. I felt something brush up on my thigh but I just kept my focus on the lesson. A few minutes later I felt pressure a few inches up from my knee. I looked down to see Mattheo's hand laying on my thigh.

      I pushed it off and looked back at the front of the room when he put it back... higher. I pushed his hand off once more and he... put it back... even higher. I yanked it off this time, giving him a look. He returned with the most fake innocent face I've ever seen.

  This bitch...

      He put it back but this time he moved it in between my thighs... under my skirt. I gasped at the sudden movement and shot my hand up asking to use the restroom. The second I got a yes I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door.

  Why would he do that?

   I hate that bitch he has no boundaries.

  Why? All I said was the truth he's overreacting. I feel bad for what I said but not bad enough to put up with this shit.

*Time skip*

      School was over and it was time to sneak down to Hogsmede with Daph. We had arrived at the small town and Daphne was going off about how Lorenzo and her were paired in potions and he practically fell over on his own to feet for her.

   "Y/n/n, I know you. Somethings up... tell me." she said as we entered a boutique.

   "Nothings wrong. Just Mattheo being the bitch he is." she gave me a 'what did he do now' look and I sighed knowing if I don't tell her she'll figure it out on her own. "I might have called Mattheo a man whore who smokes and drinks his problems away..."

   "So? You told the truth."

   "I know. But he's Mattheo Riddle, he doesn't like the truth." I said


   "And he's getting his revenge his... own way." she paused trying to think of ways Mattheo could get revenge on me. "He's trying to make me uncomfortable... make me the whore that's going to drink her problems away."

   "He can't do that." I looked down at the floor.

   "He's Mattheo he'll figure out how to prove he can." I said. She rolled her eyes and held up two dresses.

   "Royal Blue or bright red?" she asked.

   "Red looks better on you." she nodded, putting the blue dress back on the rack.

  I can't believe I'm doing this.


( WC: 674 )

Q: What would you have done if Mattheo did that to you in the middle of class.

Innocent Lies (Mattheo Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now