~Mattheo's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 14 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Cussing


      I went down for breakfast this morning to find Y/n... at the Gryffindor table with her friends... smiling again. My heart skipped a beat seeing her happy again. She looked over at me, locking our eyes together. I winked at her and she scoffed, rolling her eyes still keeping her perfect smile flawless.

"Who are you looking at?" Lorenzo asked, nudging me back into reality.

"No one." I replied.

"No one my ass." Draco laughed, "Anyone in this room could tell you were looking at Y/n. Oh... my bad... every one but Lorenzo."

"Shut the fuck up." Lorenzo said sarcastically.

"But seriously man, why are you hooked on Y/n?" Blaise asked.

"I'm not hooked on Y/n." I defended myself.

" 'I'm not hooked on Y/n'." Lorenzo mocked, "Then you go and grind on her at another party or maybe bring her food everyday for two weeks because you're worried about her." the whole table laughed at Lorenzo's remark.

"Mattheo, just admit it Y/n got hotter this year and you fell for her like any other guy. You'll be thrown in the pile of rejects who don't fit her picture perfect expectations." Theo said.

"You've got no chance." Blaise added.

"You really think that low of her?" I asked

"Yeah." Draco admitted.

"Fuck you." I spat, flipping his food over.

"Hey! I really wanted that toast. I perfectly buttered it and now it's on the floor you dick." he complained. I rolled my eyes, getting up and storming off.

*Time skip*

It had been a week and Y/n and me barely talked. We'd sit with our friends in class and only talk when we didn't have a choice. The longer we stayed away from each other the need to see her and be around her only grew more unbearable. The thought of her keeps me up at night, her smile, her laugh, her voice, her lips, her eyes, her body, everything about her suffocates me day after day.

I can't do anything without thinking about her. Every dream I had she was there. Every thought I had she was in it. Every action I do I wish she was doing it with me. Every time I say her name I want to say it for the rest of my life. I want her... I need her... no matter what I will have her.

I couldn't just sit here and wait for her to come to me. That would take too long. I had to act now, not later. I can't lay here in my bed for another second without her. I got up storming out of my room down to the common room.

"Damn Mattheo what's got you so stressed?" Daphne asked me as I walked by her. I stopped in my tracks. I had no idea where Y/n is but surely her best friend does.

"School." She burst out into laughter. God I hate this bitch. "Do you know where Y/n is?" I asked abruptly. She stopped laughing and just stared at me.


"Do you know where Y/n is?" I repeated.

"Is this a joke?" I scoffed rolling my eyes of course this is how she has to act. "I'm just kidding. She went to the library and said she had to 'catch up'. Which to her is to get ahead of the class."

"Thanks." I said not waiting for an answer and quickly leaving the room. I walked into the library looking in each aisle filled with books. I finally found her reading alone at the table we had our fight at before the party. I slipped into the chair beside her. She didn't look up or even flinch. I placed my head on her shoulder pretending to read the potions book as well.

"Can't you see I'm reading?" she spat.

"Can't you see I'm also reading?" I joked picking my head up from her shoulder. She shut her book and turned to look at me.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I just want to talk." I said.

"I don't want to talk about this right now." she sighed, opening her book back up.

"It's been three weeks. I don't think you ever want to talk about it."

"Yeah it's been three weeks, Mattheo. Why can't we move on?" she asked.

"Move on? Tell me Y/n do you ever think about what would have happened if we kissed that night?" she kept quiet, "Exactly. We're on the same page here, Darling."

"We are not on the same page." I raised my eyebrows leaning back in my chair waiting for her to enlighten me. "You think I can just fuck you when I'm horny and get away with it. News flash I can't because one word from anyone spreads and ruins me and my family."

"So the princess does get horny."

"Please, Riddle, everyone gets horny. It's a normal human thing."

"Even Neville?" I asked a laugh escaping my lips.

"Yes. Even Neville and don't ask how I know that I just do. But that's not the point. The point is we got heated in a moment and the universe told us twice that it wasn't meant to happen."

"Then." I corrected.


"It told us it wasn't meant to happen then." I explained.

"Mattheo, this can not happen." she motioned to us with her hand. I chuckled a smirk growing on my face. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then slowly moved my hand under her chin pulling her face closer to mine. Our lips brushed together and her eyes switched between my eyes and lips every second.

"Y/n I'm not sure you understand." I whispered, "I want you, I need you. I will have you. By the end of this year you'll be mine."

"And you think I'm going to give up that easily? By just saying you want me?" she asked and I chuckled.

"I know you Sunshine, you don't go down without a fight. That's what I like about you. What I'm saying Darling is let the games begin." I smirked tilting her chin up brushing our lips once again. I gave her a wink before turning her head and leaving a kiss on her cheek. I got up and left before she could answer.

And like I said,

Let the games begin.


( WC: 1067 )

Q: Are you ready for the games to begin?

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