~Mattheo's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 29 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Cussing


      I woke up the next morning to an owl waiting on my window seal holding a letter. I stretched and rolled out of bed and stumbled to the window, taking the letter from the surprisingly fancy owl. Oh wait... that explains it, the letter is from Y/n.


Dear Matty,

      What the fuck were you thinking. Just imagine what could have happened if that package arrived while I was with my father. I get you warned me in the letter but you really think that would stop my father from opening it. You are SO lucky that I was able to hide the gift before my Father came in. On the other hand, how the fuck did you know my size?

From 'Little Miss Perfect',



      The letter though it was supposed to come off angry it just made me smile. She continues to say 'my father' but not once in the letter does she say that she didn't like it. What's crazy is that she wonders how I know her size when I stare at her body all day.

      I chuckled while walking to my bathroom and began getting ready. I wondered how she looked while writing that letter. I knew she must have looked cute, all angry and worked up. I finished getting ready and headed out to the Great Hall for breakfast. Daphne was sitting with us because her friends were out looking at plants.

      I sat down at the table grabbing everything I wanted to eat as they continued whatever strange conversation they were having.

   "Okay, okay, Goyle against Cedric." Lorenzo said.

   "Goyle, Cedric can't fight for shit. Did you see his lousy attempt at fighting that dragon in fourth year? It was pathetic." Theo laughed.

   "Well my bet would be on Cedric, I mean have you seen that man's muscles?" Daphne swooned and Lorenzo gave her a hurt look. "You have nice muscles too. Bad boy muscles... kinda. But Cedric has good boy muscles. You wouldn't understand, it's a girl thing."

   "Good boy muscles? You have got to be joking. Are you two?" Draco asked.

   "Oh I'm sorry, did it hurt your 'big boy' brain?" Daphne said in a baby voice making fun of him.

   "No but it must ha-" Draco started.

   "You are both acting like children." I cut in getting scoffed at by both Draco and Daphne.

   "I'm sorry, when did you get here?" Daphne said annoyed.

    "He got here just now." Blaise explained.

   "Well it seems like he needs to leave 'just now'." Daphne remarked.

   "Daph he said one thing." Lorenzo tried to reason but something was setting Daphne off.

   "One thing too much. So if he doesn't get his ugly ass out of here I'm about to throw some punches." Daphne threatened.

   "Daphne, that is no way to speak to people." The second I heard that voice I turned around as fast as I could.

   "Y/n..." I said looking at Y/n and Leo standing right behind me, neither with a smile on their faces.

   "Father sent us home early." Y/n began and Leo rolled his eyes. "Don't mind Leo, he's not in his right mind currently."

   "Is everything okay?" Daphne asked, looking confused but happy Y/n was back.

   "Petals in paradise over here. I can't seem to say the same for you. You seem troubled." Y/n put on a fake small smile while Leo continued his attitude through his eyes.

   "I'll tell you later but for now you ar-" Daphne was cut off by Leo.

   "Is this conversation done yet?"

   "Leo." Y/n warned.

   "Of course the first place we go when we get back is with your play toy." Leo snapped.

   "Yeah well your 'play toy' left you and you're just bitter because it's your fault." Y/n said quietly so no one around us could hear.

   "Dad made us come back not because of me. But because of you." Leo stormed off and Y/n's fake smile faded.

   "Seems he has had... a ruff day." Y/n sighed, "Halloween party is soon you should know who's invited and who is not." she warned before walking away.

   "What was all that about?" Theo asked.

   "No idea but I'll find out." I got up and went after her. I finally caught up to her in one of the halls of Hogwarts near the Slytherin common room. "Y/n! Y/n wait." I grabbed her arm and she turned around to look at me.

   "I made one mistake. ONE! All I wanted to do was talk but he took it too far. He got something from Father's office and threw it out the window. Next thing I knew the wind took it away and god knows who might have it now. If I didn-" she said in one breath.

   "Wait who? What?" I asked confused as fuck.

   "Leo, he threw confidential paper out the window."

   "Well wouldn't that be on him?"

   "No, I'm the one that left my Father's office door unlocked and I'm the one that said the wrong thing. I'm the one that pushed him to get angry enough to throw it out." she ripped her arm away from my hand. I shook my head.

   "That still wouldn't make it your fault." I said.

   "That's not what my Father said and what he says is more important."

   "But Y/n-" I started.

   "I don't want to think about this right now Matt." She said quietly. I thought for a second before moving closer to her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

   "Then maybe you shouldn't." I whispered to her and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

   "I like how you're thinking." She smiled.

  And the next thing I know it we were making out...


( WC: 959 )

Q: Are you ready for your first smut chapter? 

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