~Mattheo's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 22 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Blood, Cussing, fight


      Blaise told me and Lorenzo two guys were arguing and he wanted our help so no one gets into a fight. We walked over to the drink table and two guys were beginning to push each other around so me and Lorenzo had to spend like 25 minutes breaking them up. Once they were apart I grabbed a drink trying to drown out the massive headache they caused.

   "Oh shit." Blaise said, "That was her plan?" He was looking somewhere off into the party.

   "What do you mean?" Lorenzo looked over his shoulder at whatever Blaise was looking at. "Um, Mattheo, you might have a bigger reason to drink other than those guys."

  What the fuck does he mean a bigger problem?

      I rolled my eyes chugging the rest of my drink trying to prepare myself for whatever shit I'm about to witness. I slowly turned around and searched for whatever they were looking at. My eyes finally met the couches and my jaw dropped.

   "WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled watching Theo make out with Y/n. I threw my cup on the ground. I told Theo about staying away from her. I told Y/n to stay away from him. But it's quite obvious It hasn't gotten through. Maybe, I need to just make it a bit more clear. I stormed over to the couches pushing the two apart.

   "The fuck, Mattheo." Theo complained as I forced him to stand up.

   "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked him furiously.

   "Mattheo chill out-" I cut him off by punching him in the nose. He slowly looked back at me his nose bloody and punched me back.

   "Oh my god!" Y/n yelled standing up and stepping back from the scene as me and Theo started beating each other bloody. Blood was pouring down our bruised faces onto our clothes as we continued to fight. "Stop! Stop it, Mattheo!" Y/n continued to scream over the people yelling 'fight' over and over again.

      I had finally got him on the ground and was punching him repeatedly until Lorenzo came up behind me pulling me off of him and holding me back. Draco and Blaise ran to Theo's aid but he pushed them off of him. I almost escaped Lorenzo's grip but Y/n stood in front of me and I didn't want to hurt her so I calmed down.

      She gave me a look from when she hated me... it kinda hurt seeing her look at me like that. She didn't give me time to talk, yanking me away and out of the party. Once we had entered the bathroom where Moaning Myrtle spends her days so no one would see us because no one goes in here. She didn't say anything, she didn't even look at me. She just grabbed a towel and began to wet it. I was going to say something but she stopped me turning around and slapping me in the face.

   "Do you have any idea how stupid you just acted!?" she said pulling my face back up to look at her and grabbed one of my hands and started to clean up my wounds from hitting Theo. She wasn't trying to be gentle at all, scrubbing my wounds harshly. "You idiot boy. Not only did you get into a fight causing me to be worried about you. You also punched Theo for no reason when you should have been punching me."

   "Why would I punch you?" I asked her, she sighed and began to be more gentle with my hand.

   "I'm the one who told Blaise to distract you two an-" I cut her off.

   "Distract us? But two guys were actually fighting."

   "Blaise probably sparked an argument between the two so he could get you and Lorenzo over there. But that's not important. I told Blaise to distract you two so I could start a conversation with Theo that he would be interested in. Once I had got him to like being around me I might have flirted a little.." She went back over wetting the towel and squeezed the blood out so she could begin on my other hand.

   "You flirted with my best friend!" I yelled angrily. She can't just excuse that. "Why?"

   "So I could get revenge on you." I was about to say something but she continued as she started to clean up my other hand. "Before you ask why it's because you threw a party knowing it was my patrol night and instead of telling me you went behind my back and told Cedric knowing he's my patrol partner. Also, you yelled at me today."

   "First of all I only invited Cedric and didn't tell you so I wouldn't make you mad. I just hoped you wouldn't figure it out because I just didn't want to upset you with the Slytherins tradition of throwing a party to celebrate their wins." I explained as she finished my other hand and repeated the same actions to prepare the towel as she did before. "I yelled at you because you decided you were breaking my rules."

   "I shouldn't have to follow more people's rules. I have enough rules and I understand traditions. I have my own but if you had just told me we wouldn't have a problem." she told me.

   "So your response is to make out with my best friend?" I asked.

   "Okay.... maybe that wasn't the best idea... but that's what I did. I can't go back in time and to be honest I don't regret it. I did get my point across." she said walking back over to me.

   "It was a bad way of getting your point across."

   "It was my way..." she shrugged, "Now stop talking so I can get the scary amount of blood off of your face." I stopped talking and stood still as she stepped a little closer to me carefully moving to hold my face gently cleaning the wound on my nose. I couldn't help but stare at her. She really is beautiful. Her eyes had this sparkle to them that I couldn't help but admire. Her hair laid ever so perfectly on her head. Her smile shined bright enough to stop time. Her life may not truly be 'perfect' but she... she was pure perfection.

   "I'm sorry." I apologized.

   "That makes two." she smiled cutely, her eyes shining. She tilted my head up before beginning cleaning up my bloody nose. "How are you not dead yet? You get into a fight almost every week." she giggled.

   "I have no idea.... Did you mean what you said?" I asked her.


   "In the library. When you said I had commitment issues... you really think that?" I said.

   "You're Mattheo Riddle... you've never been a relationship guy. And I don't do flings... that's just not my thing."

   "I know you think that... but at least try to give me a chance. I can prove you've got me wrong." She finished cleaning me up and smiled.

   "Maybe later, but this game is not over yet." she winked, "I'm not just going to give up that easily." She placed the towel in the dirty towel bin and then walked back over to me. "I wish you good luck, Riddle." She kissed me on the cheek before leaving the bathroom.

   "Oooooo someones got a crush." Moaning Myrtle giggled.

   "Where did you come from?" I asked her.

   "This is my bathroom."


( WC:

Q: What will you do next?

  BrooklynBabyGurl~~ This chapter has some cute moments but Y/n and Mattheo will be getting together soon and I wanted to know beforehand what kind of things you would like the smut for this fic to contain just so I know.

  Also we are getting closer to 1k reads every day and I am just so thankful for all of the love and support on this book. I honestly did not expect all of this. I love you guys soooo much have an amazing day. 

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