~Mattheo's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 31 ∞༺♥༻✧

Tw: Cussing, Anger


I woke up expecting Y/n to be lying peacefully next to me but to my surprise she was nowhere to be found. I quickly sat up scanning the room for any sight of her but it was almost like she was never there. I mean I know it wasn't a dream. It was too real to be a dream... I looked over at my clock that read-


Somehow I slept through the rest of the day and most of the night but it's still too early for Y/n to worry about getting up because breakfast doesn't start till 7:00 AM. I laid my back on the shelves behind the bed and sighed.

"You've got to be fucking shitting me right now..." I said softly to myself.

*Time Skip*

I waited for another hour or so considering my options. I could either talk to Y/n about sneaking out on me and probably get yelled at for mentioning it because well she's her, or I could not say anything and act like it didn't happen like I do with all the other bitches I fuck so everything goes back to normal before me and Y/n started "talking" like Y/n wants me to. Clearly, there is only one option, the opposite of whatever Y/n wants me to do.

I finally got out of the bed slipped on my clothes from yesterday and left the room to the tunnels. I found my way back to my room and snuck in without any of my roomates noticing. I found some new clothes to wear and changed out of my dirty ones. Soon enough all my roommates started waking up starting with Theo which obviously had to notice I wasn't in here last night.

"So when did you slip in here?" he asked me.

"None of your business, thank you." I quickly replied.

"Okay then so i'll cut to the chase then, which girl did you fuck last night?" Theo crossed his arms while sitting up on his bed.

"Again, none of your business." I said while starting to brush my teeth.

"Okay... I'll guess."

"Seriously man?" I said with a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Astoria!" He blurted out.


"Pansy!" he said while getting up and walking over to me.

"No!" I snapped after spitting the toothpaste out of my mouth.

"Okay, Okay... Give me a hint."

"Dude, will you shut up?" I asked him while getting more and more annoyed.

"What's going on now?" Lorenzo said out of nowhere while he and Draco walked past us to their sinks.

"I'm trying to figure out which girl he fucked last night." Theo smiled, chuckling a little knowing I'm two seconds away from strangling him.

"Well not anymore." I said walking away from them, grabbing my bag and rushing out the room away from them.

*time skip*

I waited in the common room for a few minutes because I had a lot more time than I thought before heading out to the Great Hall. As soon as I walked in I scanned the room for Y/n, who was surprisingly walking towards me. When she got close I was about to say something when she walked right past me and to... FRED WEASLEY?!

You're shitting my balls right now...

There is no way this is happening to me. I'm forced to watch her hug and laugh around with him like he was her boyfriend or something and it's not like I care or anything but it's wrong. I mean he's a peace of trash from a dumpster a homeless man shit on and she's beautiful... perfect... funny... amazing and an angel... BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT!

They walk right past me like I don't exist over to the Gryffindor table. This has got to be some fucked up nightmare. I reached for my arm and pinched it to check if this is real...

Yup, definitely real...

"Hey look at that Y/n 'Mrs. Perfect' flirting with trash, shockerrrrr." Theo sarcastically said from behind me with Draco, Lorenzo, and Blaize. He chuckles then they all drag me over to the Slytherin table. For the rest of breakfast I drowned them all out and kept sneaking looks behind me to see if they finally stopped but shockingly they never did.

The second breakfast was over and everyone started  to leave. I quickly caught up to Y/n so I could pull her aside. Once I did I moved her away from where people could see us and she stared at me shocked and started anxiously looking around to make sure no one could see us.

*Y/n's POV*

I looked around making sure we wouldn't be seen by anyone before speaking in a whisper "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm trying to talk to you obviously, but that's not important. Why did you sneak out on me? And why the fuck are you flirting with Fred Weasley?!" He said looking at me like I'm crazy or something.

"First of all you said we would never talk about this again. Second of all it's none of your business who I talk to or 'flirt' with!" I whisper yelled.

"Okay sure lets do this your way, 'first of all' you of all people should know I wouldn't respect that. And 'second of all" it is my business because-" I cut him off.

"Because? Because what? What bullshit are you going to pull out your ass now?! Last night was a mistake, I was angry and you were probably drunk or high like you always are! And of all people you should be happy, you got what you wanted! Why can't you just be happy and go away!" I snapped at him.

"A mistake? Why is everything a mistake with you? And that is not what I wanted!" He said, stepping slightly closer to me, trapping me in between him and the wall.

"Oh? So what do you want?" I asked him.

"I don't know anymore, but you can't lie that there isn't anything between us and-"

"There is nothing between us! Don't you understand? You are nothing to me." I moved my hand to motion to him and me rapidly, "We are nothing to me! I hate you and you hate me and that is how it should stay! And if you don't believe me then you are delusional!"

"Oh? I'm the delusional one? You won't admit that you can stay away from me!" He slammed me on the wall only trapping me more.

"Because there is nothing to admit! I can stay away from you because I hate you!" I pushed him away from me with all my might, "The problem is you not staying away from me! Fuck you Mattheo, don't ever speak to me again!" I stormed away as fast as possible, holding back tears.

Why am I crying? It's not like I care...


(WC: 1152)

Q: Who's the delusional one?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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