~Mattheo's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 6 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Cussing


      She stormed out of the classroom as fast as she could. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at her reaction. Her face was red and she couldn't even keep her focus on the lesson.

      Throughout the rest of the lesson I looked back at the door to see if she was coming back. Mcgonagall had dismissed us and she still hadn't returned. I got up grabbing my bag when Blaise approached me looking like he was about to do one of his 'be more mature' talks.

   "What did I do now?" I asked.

   "Y/n stormed out of here with a red face and didn't come back." he crossed his arms and slightly tilted his head. I couldn't help but grin knowing people could notice.

   "I'm not sure what your accusing me of." I said, trying to sound clueless. He rolled his eyes and that's when I knew I was about to get a 'Blaise talk'.

(A 'Blaise talk' is a scolding by Blaise about being immature and what Blaise calls a total inconsiderate asshole. A 'Blaise talk' became a thing when he spent his entire 2nd year putting the boys in their place. So, they made a name for it.)

   "I don't know what you just did but I know it wasn't right. People say stuff like that to you all the time. Why do you care that she said it?" He asked.

   "Because I have an excuse to make her life hell." I smirked.

   "How mature of you." He said sarcastically, "You couldn't break her even if you tried anyway. She's 'Little Miss Perfect' she always comes out... perfect."

   "I know, I want to prove she doesn't."

   "Why?" he asked.

   "Because I'm so mature."

*Time skip* (Next day)

      I had been looking everywhere for Y/n. After Potions with Professor Slughorn she had left and 'disappeared'. I walked into the library after checking the Great Hall where Ginny, Luna, and Neville were. I walked around until finding Y/n sitting at a table with a few books around her.

      I smirked, walking up to her and slipping into the chair beside her, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it in my mouth. She didn't break her gaze from the book but did roll her eyes at my presence. I pulled the cigarette out of my mouth blowing the smoke at her. She coughed a little and flipped me off.

   "There a problem princess?" I asked. She scowled at me before completely ignoring what I said. "I'm talking to you. Your-"

   "Fuck off." She cut me off while continuing to read one of the books she had.

   "Ouch, I'm just trying to talk to you." I said. She shut her book, turning to me with an annoyed look on her face.

   "I get what I said, it was shitty of me. But I don't understand why I deserve this. Doesn't literally everyone say that to you?" I raised my eyebrows and a smile grew on my face.

   "But you're so much more fun."

   "Is it me that's fun or the fact you can ruin my reputation flirting, touching, and always being around me?" she snapped. "Just you sitting next to me in this library I can already imagine the things people will say."

   "Why are you so worried about everyone else?" I said leaning back relaxing in my seat.

   "My family-" she started.

   "Your family? Have you seen your brother? He's 14 and he's basically me. Just because your parents are perfect doesn't mean you have to be." I put my arm over her shoulder and she pushed it off.

   "My brother is perfectly fine and nothing like you. My family is picture perfect and it will stay that way and you're not going to make me break over a stupid thing I called you." She got up leaving all of the books on the table, grabbed her bag and stormed off.

   "Damn." I whispered under my breath. I looked over at the books and picked the one up that she was reading.

  What the fuck.

      Why would she be reading a book about dreams? I opened the table of contents to see what part she was reading.

  'Recurring Precognition Dreams'

      Why would she be reading about that shit? I started to look at the other books she had picked and they were all about dreams. I decided to pick up a few of the books and check them out. I walked out of the library thinking the same question.

  Why did I care that she did anything?

      The entire school does this shit. Why is she so important? I don't like her at all. She's a total bitch. I looked down at the books I just checked out.

  I don't like her...

  She's weird and perfect...

  Why do I care so much about what she does?


( WC: 902 )

Q: What do you think of 'Blaise talks'?

A/N- Sorry this one took a little long to publish. I think I'm going to start posting on weekends now because school just started and it would be easier if I just posted 1-3 chapters every weekend so I can focus on my work during the week. I don't love this chapter but it's more of a filler because the party is the next chapter. Thank you for the love and I am so excited to write more chapters for all of you. 

Innocent Lies (Mattheo Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now