~Y/n's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 27 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Cussing


     I ran through the halls hoping not to be late to leaving. I made it just in time. I smiled at Victor, my family's butler as he took us to the Hogwarts train. I looked over at my brother and he looked unhappy.

   "Is everything okay?" I whispered to him as we walked.

   "Perfectly fine." he said. Me and my brother have a special way anytime we say perfect to describe how we feel we know the other is most definitely not okay. We entered the train and chose a compartment to sit in, Victor sat in the one next to us.

   "What happened?" I asked him.

   "I'd rather not speak on the way there..." He looked out the window and sighed.

   "Really? That's how it's going to work?"

   "Yup." He leaned back in his seat moving his gaze from the window to the ground and crossed his arms.

   "Well then... that's alright." I sighed and crossed my legs and looked out the window. Only a few hours of silence with my brother... not hard at all...

*Time skip*

      We arrived at Kings Cross and I stood up out of my seat exiting the compartment my brother followed behind me. We got out of the train and Victor led us to our flying car. It wasn't like most flying cars. Ours is expensive and one of a kind. A car you can't find anywhere else in the wizarding world. Only singled my family out more. Putting us more in the spotlight.

      Me and Leo got into the car and Victor flew us... home. Once we arrived and landed Victor got out of the car opening the door for us. Leo got out holding out his hand to help me stand. I took his hand and stood up looking out at my house, that same aching feeling that I feel every time I come here...


(This is what your house looks like.)


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        A few workers were waiting outside of  our house to help with our bags. They walked up to the car beginning to take our luggage. I sighed and looked back at Leo. He still looked hurt. He held his head low looking up at our house through his eyelashes. I squeezed his hand and he looked at me ripping his hand away from mine.

  What is wrong with him today?

    "Come on Father should be  waiting for us at the door." I said and began walking up our long pathway. We got to the door and I sighed before knocking. Two more workers opened the door. Our dad standing a few steps behind in the middle of the doorway. He gave us a small serious smile our mom walking into the room and standing behind him. She looked paler than usual.

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