~Mattheo's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 8 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Cussing, spicy dancing💃🏻 , fighting


      I allowed her to storm into the crowd in that tiny little dress she was wearing. She looked... good. I couldn't help but think about how hot she looked. The second she got out of sight I missed her. Why did I miss her?

      I went back through the crowd trying to catch sight of her again. I finally found her sitting on the couch with Luna who didn't seem to care for the party at all. She only seemed amused when Rolf Scamander interrupted the conversation asking her to dance. He asked if it was alright with Y/n if he took Luna from her. I rolled my eyes. Hufflepuffs are so annoying.

      I looked back over and there was only Y/n on the couch. I decided to go and try to talk to her but some lame ass Ravenclaw beat me to it. He started flirting with her and gave a charming smile.


      I Knew that type of asshole moves anywhere. I use them. This dick only wanted sex from her. Of course like the idiot Y/n is, she fell for it and started flirting back with her stupid cute look and voice. I felt a sort of anger rush through me. I want to beat that man's ass til he bleeds.

      I walked over to the couch lifting Y/n up. I sat down and placed her perfectly on my lap. I held her waist so she couldn't get up. The guys smile dropped and he immediately knew to leave. He made up some idiot excuse and rushed away. I smirked happily when he left but I wasn't really focused on that.

      The only thing I was focused on was Y/n's body. It gave me a weird tingly feeling...a good one. I couldn't help but stare at her. She really did look amazing. This light made her glow and her dress had done wonders for her body. She really is perfect. She snapped her fingers in my face, snapping me out of my trance.

   "Is something wrong with you?" She asked.

   "Ye-no I mean no." I stuttered. She crossed her arms giggling.

   "Are you going to let me go?" she motioned to her waist and I just smirked pulling her closer to me, almost brushing her lips on mine.

   "No." I whispered in a deep voice making her perfect face turn red.

   "W-why?" She stuttered.

  God damn she's so adorable...

   "Because your body fits perfectly on mine." I leaned in closer this time brushing our lips together. Her face became an even deeper red only making the tension to kiss her worse. I let go of her waist, closing my eyes to stop myself.

      She moved herself off of me keeping her eyes on the ground in shock. Why did I do that? Why did I want to do that?

   "I'm going to go dance." she said abruptly, getting up and rushing away. What have I done? I leaned back into the sofa and let my head fall back looking at the ceiling. I brought my hands up to my eyes covering them hoping somehow the memory would leave. Her lips are almost on mine. Face so close to me I could feel her hot breath.

      I sat there for a while before Draco sat next to me and nudged me out of my trance. His eyebrows were raised and mouth curved upwards in a way to tell me I was about to hear something I didn't want to hear.

   "What happened?" I asked, sighing. What could he say that would make this night even more confusing than it already is.

   "Well from what I know is your little revenge princess has found a dancing partner." I sat up becoming tense as that same burning anger rushed back to me like a wave on the coast in a storm. "Chill out, it's just some random Ravenclaw."

  Not that fucking dick.

      I got up and stormed over to the crowd of dancing students searching and scanning through all of them til my eyes found Y/n... dancing with that dumb bitch. I walked up right behind Y/n but far enough that she wouldn't realize I was there. The asshole looked up at me death staring at him and whispered in Y/n's ear before leaving again. What a pussy.

      Y/n shrugged it off and kept dancing. She turned around and I wrapped my arm around her waist moving my body with hers. Her eyes widened in shock at my sudden movement but she didn't pull away or stop dancing. The song slowed down and I turned her around pulling her back against my chest. Our hips moved slowly and sensually against each other.

      I rested my head on her shoulder and she leaned hers back on my chest. I closed my eyes, enjoying every moment. I lifted my head and peppered kisses on her neck. She turned around and our eyes locked together. She rapped her arms around my neck. Our bodies continued to sway together as our faces slowly got closer.

      Our eyes closed and I tightened my grip on her waist pulling her closer to me. Our lips brushed together as we got closer. We began to push our lips togeth-

   "Why The fuck you dancing with my sister bitch!" she pulled away from me, eyes widened. She rushed towards the scene that everyone had crowded around. She pushed through the crowd all the way to the front. Her brother at the Ravenclaw guy by the neck. The continued arguing until Leo punched the guy in the nose.

  How many times is this damn Ravenclaw going to ruin my night?

      The dick held his nose before punching Leo. They started fighting until both of their faces were bloody. Y/n was yelling for her brother to stop but he didn't. She looked over to me, shaking my arm.

   "Do something!" she yelled.

   "What am I supposed to do?" I asked.

   "Stop them! Please." I looked into her teary eyes. Am I really about to do this? "He's my brother." she said.

  I can't believe I'm actually going to do this for her...


( WC: 1039 )

Q: What's going to happen now?

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