~Y/n's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 19 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Cussing 


  "Mattheo just walked out of the room not allowing me a say at all. There's no way I'm going to stop being friends with someone just because he 'says so'. I've known the Weasley's for my whole life my Mom invites them to every one of our parties." I complained to Daphne.

   "Y/n, take a breath. I promise everything will be fine. I mean have you thought about the pros of this?" Daphne tried to calm me down by closing the books in front of us so I don't try to ignore what she says and act like I'm still studying.

   "There aren't any Daphne." I freaked out.

   "Ok... name the cons I'll give you the pros of your cons." I rolled my eyes.

   "How is this supposed to help?" I whined.


   "Fine... If anyone finds out that I have a thing with the dark lords son it could ruin my family." I said.

   "Yeah, but at least you'll have love and someone to fall back on. You can run away together like Romeo and Juliet."

   "Romeo and Juliet killed themselves..."

   "Okay... maybe don't do what Romeo and Juliet did. And come on your family is absolutely perfect you guys could just explain it's love an-"


   "Girls!" Madam Irma Pince scolded us.

   "Sorry..." we said in unison.

   "But... come on, maybe it is love..." Daphne said softly.

   "You sound like Luna." I replied.

   "Hey, that's not a bad thing Luna has faith and... so do I."

   "It's not love. I do not and will not love Mattheo. Not in a million years." I defended myself.

   "Fine, but don't come to me when you realize you wanna have his children." she said in a sing-song tone.

   "WHAT?!" I screamed.

   "Ladies! This is a library." Madam Irma Pince whisper yelled.

   "Sorry." we said in unison again annoyed.

   "What." I whisper screamed. She put her hands up not making eye contact.

   "I mean I'm not wrong." she reasoned.

   "Yes, you are." I freaked out.

   "Whatever, let's get back to the cons and pros."

   "Okay... What if I get attached? He's Mattheo when I give him what he wants I might be attached and right after we fuck he'll find another girl to obsess over. He's got major commitment issues. I can't trust that." I stated.

   "Then give him a reason not to want to look the other way. Come on, Y/n your entire family knows how to keep someone's attention. What I'm saying is get him attached or maybe even too attached. I know you know how to do it. I mean it's not the first time." Daphne giggled.

   "Shhh." I stressed, "We don't talk about that remember. And that entire conversation this morning told me that when he's attached I have to start losing friends he doesn't like and compromise my schedules. Along with-"

   "Y/n, that's what a relationship is. Compromising for the other person. He'll compromise if he really likes you. It's what you do when you're in love-" Daphne stopped once she noticed I was going to kill her if she said that word again. "... Like someone, when you like someone."

   "What about my family, Daphne?" I finally admitted.

   "What about them, Y/n? I'm sure they'll live. You can just explain it's love and I'm not saying any other word. You told me you told your brother he didn't murder you now did he?"

   "He offered to murder him." I spat.

   "...That's beside the point. Your family will be fine. I mean it's not like you have to tell them. I'm sure you've lied to them before, I don't know what about but I'm sure you have." she reasoned.

   "I mean... yeah I guess."

   "See I give good advice too. It's not just Luna and Neville who can solve the world's problems." I giggled. "Hey, it's not that funny.'' She joked, play hitting me in the arm. "Now can you put these books up I'm sick of studying I wanna go shopping." she complained.

   "Okay, we can go shopping" I sighed, grabbing the books and going to put them away while Daphne packs our bags back up. I was searching the aisles of books for where they go. I put away all the books except one. When I figured out where it went it was way too high.


      I tried to jump up and put it away but I was too short. "How did Daphne get this?" I complained. I continued to jump up and try to put it back on the shelf but failed every time. I jumped up for what felt like the millionth time when a hand came up from behind and pushed it onto the shelf with ease.

   "Hey, Darling" he whispered in my ear. I gasped turning around. Mattheo towered over me. I was going to slip out but he had his hands on the shelves trapping me in.

   "Oh my god..." I squeaked turning back around. He chuckled, moving his arm around my waist pulling my back against him. I gasped when I felt his hard dick press into me. I freaked slipping out of his grip... "Mattheo!" I whispered. The stupid dream I had about him playing in my head.

  Why of all things am I thinking of that?

   "Is there a problem, N/n?" he asked innocently.

   "You know what the problem is, Mattheo. How are you even hard? You probably only saw me there for like a second." I snapped.

   "Actually, I've been here the entire time." he admitted.

   "Then why did you take so long to help me?" I asked.

   "I think we both know why, Sunshine."

   "Oh my god, you're disgusting." I whined.

   "It's funny because you did not list that as a con." he said.


   "You heard all of that?" I asked.

   "Every word Baby." he took a step towards me brushing our bodies together.

   "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." I panicked.

   "Calm down, it was nothing I didn't already know." he reassured me.

   "Mattheo!" I whispered yelled. He chuckled, crossing his arms.

   "It's okay, Sweetheart. I don't mind." he moved my hair away from my shoulder and placed a kiss on my collarbone before moving his lips to my ear. "Have fun shopping." he whispered before walking away.

  What the actual fuck just happened?


( WC : 1084 )

Q: What would you do in this situation?

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