~Y/n's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 7 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Underage Drinking, cussing 


      I woke up this morning with Cupid curled up on my lap.

   "Good morning." I said petting her head. I picked her up softly, moving her to the side so I could get out of bed. I yawned as I slipped on my slippers.

   "And she even wakes up perfectly." I jumped letting out a loud gasp as I turned my head quickly towards Mattheo standing in the doorway leaning on the rim of the door.

   "How did you get in?!" he tried to speak but I cut him off, "Why are you here?! How long have you been standing there?!"

   "I picked the lock, I wanted to walk you to the Great Hall, and I've barely been here 4 minutes."

   "You picked my lock!" I yelled.

   "I just said that." he chuckled.

   "You're not walking me to the Great Hall." I got up grabbing my robes and walking into my bathroom, closing the door behind me so I could change.

   "That's not really your choice." he said, moving to stand outside of the bathroom door.

   "Yes it is and just because your planning on ruining my night doesn't mean you can ruin my morning." I told him.

   "Well even if you say no I will still walk beside you." I scoffed, swinging the door open once I was completely dressed in my school robes.

   "I swear I'm so excited for this to be over." he raised his eyebrows with a smirk appearing on his face.

   "I'm not sure I know what you mean." I sat on my bed slipping on my shoes.

   "After this party you'll leave me alone and I can happily go on with my life. No Mattheo or his annoying cling-ons."

   "Actually..." I shot my head up. "I was planning on doing this for a little longer princess. Me and my 'annoying cling ons' will not be going anywhere." he smiled. I got up grabbing my bag and storming out of the room. He followed me out, closing the door behind us.

   "Why?" I asked as we walked out the common room.

   "I'm enjoying this." I stopped turning to face him.

   "Enjoying this? You've got to be kidding me." I scoffed.

   "Completely serious Darling." he said with an annoying smirk on his face.

*Time skip*

      It was 1 hour before the party. Daphne, Ginny, and Luna had come to my room to get ready. Ginny and Luna decided to match dresses and chose short tight pink dresses that looked amazing on them. Daphne went in the tiny red dress that we bought at the boutique.

   "Y/n are you going to spend forever on your makeup and hair or are you going to get dressed?" Daphne asked, sitting on my bed. I giggled while placing down my makeup brush.

   "Ok I'll get dressed." I grabbed my dress and walked into my closet to change.


(This is what I imagine you would wear if you don't like it just imagine something else)

(This is what I imagine you would wear if you don't like it just imagine something else)

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      I walked out of the closet and the girls started complimenting me immediately. I said thanks and after a while we snuck out of the Hufflepuff common room and through the hallways all the way to the dungeons. When we got to the Slytherin door Daphne whispered the password and we slipped into the room.

      The room smelt of cigarettes, alcohol, sex, and sweaty dancing people. Daphne grabbed my hand and told Luna and Ginny to follow her. She went down and took us straight to the drinks table where Blaise was sitting making and passing out drinks.

   "4 shots please." she said. Ginny and Luna looked at each other giggling. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me close to them.

   "Actually 3 shots." I looked back to see Mattheo behind me. Daphne turned back to him confused. "I don't think she's going to drink today."

   "That's not your decision." Daphne crossed her arms and her smile faded to being completely annoyed. He just smiled at her and pulled me closer to him. I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. Blaise gave Daphne the three shots and whispered to her not to try to mess with it because he already tried. She scoffed, taking the drinks from his hand.

   "Bitch." She said turning to Mattheo and then switching her gaze to me, "I love you but good luck if Blaise can't do it it's not worth my time." She gave me a small smile and Mattheo an annoyed look before turning away. Ginny was going to cuss him out but Luna stopped her pulling her away from the situation.

      Mattheo pulled me away from the table to one of the sides of the room. I finally yanked myself from his grip and he stopped and turned to look at me.

   "Is there a problem Darling?" he asked. I rolled my eyes knowing this chaos had only just started.

   "Yes." I spat, "You just stopped me from drinking an-" he cut me off.

   "Well I would want you to drink your problems away." he said smirking. I scoffed at his remark.

  Real smart using my own words against me.

   "Fuck you." I said storming off into the crowd of sweaty drunk teenagers.

  I'm in for a wild ride...


( WC: 915 )

Q:What do you want to happen at this party? 

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