~Mattheo's Pov~

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✧༺♥༻∞ Chapter 10 ∞༺♥༻✧

TW: Cussing, lack of eating


The day after the party Y/n didn't go to first period or lunch. She was late to 2nd period looking perfect as ever but... she was off. She sat at the back of the class at the only empty table instead of sitting with Ginny like she normally does. She didn't smile and she didn't even answer a question like she loves to.

She went to the rest of the classes like normal but sat... in the back... alone. When I tried to go up to her she ran away... literally ran away. I walked into dinner and scanned the room for Y/n... she skipped dinner?

  Has she even eaten today?

I grabbed some food and headed to the Hufflepuff common room. Instead of threatening some guy I asked Cedric for the password this time. He looked at me weird so I threatened him a little bit but he eventually gave it to me. I walked into the common room and just like always that perfect garden smell and happy feeling came over me.

  I hate it.

I walked up the stairs and found Y/n's room. I hesitated a little before knocking on the door.

"Y/n..." I knocked again, "Y/n are you there?" I asked. The door swung open to reveal Daphne, death staring me.

"What do you want?" she spat.

"I brought some food for Y/n..." she squinted at me and leaned herself on the rim of the door thinking... something...

*Daphne's Pov*

Mattheo brought Y/n food? What is this alternative universe? Why would Mattheo care that Y/n hasn't- OH MY FUCKING GOD!

I didn't remember Y/n didn't eat BUT he paid enough attention to notice. I'm a bad best friend but that's beside the point...MATTHEO RIDDLE LIKES MY BEST FRIEND!

"Oh my god." I said, stepping out of the room, closing the door behind her leaving Y/n in and making sure she couldn't hear what I'm saying. "You like my best friend."

"W-what...no... no I don't." he denied walking back away from me slightly.

"Yes, yes you do. You brought her food because you were worried about her. You broke up her brothers fight for her. You do everything for her attention and-"

"Daphne!" he whispered screamed, "Your talking way to loud." I couldn't help but put on a bigger smile and my jaw dropped open. "I-I don't...like her." he mumbled.

"What did you say?" I asked and he just mumbled again even more faint. "Seriously Mattheo I can not hear you."

"Ok, ok I like her." he whispered angrily.


*Mattheo's Pov*

Did I really just say that? Do I really like her? Do I like Y/n? I meant to say I don't like her but I said I did instead and it felt... right. I think I like Y/n. I like Y/n. I want her. I need her.

"I can NOT believe this. This is amaz- I mean I don't really care, just a bit of a shock." she took the food out of my hands, death stared me then opened the door and stormed in shutting it behind her.

  What just happened?

*Time skip*

It's been 2 weeks since I talked to Daphne and Y/n had only gotten worse. She didn't talk and when she did it was faint and quiet. You'd have to ask her to repeat it over and over again before tears form in her eyes and she runs away. She didn't smile much and her movements were slow and shaky.

I brought her food every day because she couldn't get herself to eat in the Great Hall. She wouldn't talk to me or say thank you; she'd just keep her head down and took the food. Her eyes were red and she looked like she wasn't getting much sleep.

The worst part was she was still pushing herself to be perfect. She kept her hair perfect and covered up her eye bags with make up. She kept her outfits cute and overworked herself in class. She obviously was hurting but completely covered it up. I need to know what happened. I'm worried about her...

I tried to annoy the truth out of Daphne but she just told me that Y/n refused to tell her as well. I asked Ginny, Neville, Luna, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Cedric, Cho, even Pansy and Astoria. My last hope was her brother. The last person she talked to before she went like this. Leo had been acting more irritated since the party too. Everyone just kind of shrugged it off because they thought it was because of the fight.

  I still hate that fucking Ravenclaw bitch.

Y/n was fine after the fight but not after she talked to Leo... so what happened when they were talking? I found him in the Slytherin common room carving a piece of wood with a knife.

"Leo." I said sitting on the couch next to him. He looked over to me burning my skin with his eyes.

"Mattheo. Here to lecture me about my argument with Y/n. Always coming in between my fights." I rolled my eye's damn this guy is a total dick.

"I came in between one fight." He just scoffed at me. He has two seconds before I beat his face in. "Wait... what argument with your sister?"

"Oh so let me add that to the list of shit I can't talk about. Of course she can't let our family's reputation be dented about her brother being a selfish dick."

"What are you talking about? Your family is perfect... there's nothing to protect." What is he saying? He scoffed and stopped carving moving to look me dead in the eye.

"Oh she didn't tell her man whore the truth?" he cockily smiled. What is this dick about to tell me? "She hasn't?" he chuckled.

"Tell me what?"

"Our parents are divorced. My day slept around with any girl he could while he and my mother were married. Y/n's a stuck up bitch who does whatever she can to cover it up. She's scared, terrified, and afraid. She pulls everyone down with her so watch your back Riddle. Being her sex relief might get you suffocated." he smiled, getting up with his stuff and walking away.

  Sex relief? I mean I don't mind if I'm called that but I'd prefer if I was it-

I'm getting off track...

Y/n lied to me, to everyone... and carried a burden that big and painful... alone.


( WC: 1256 )

Q: Why would your own brother go as far as to rat your biggest secret out to the one person you don't want to know it?

A/N : Hey everyone just wanted to say thank you for 200 reads. I cant believe how much love this story has already gotten. I know all the brother stuff right now can be a little annoying since its this early in the story but just trust me it's really important to grow the story it's self and I promise it will stop soon and we can put all focus on Mattheo.

I am really grateful for all the people who have gave this story a chance this early. I love you all and I hop you can continue to read and love this story.♡♡♡

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