Chapter 5: I now know your name

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Author's note: The moment the shippers have been waiting for.


Three could hear someone talking, although it was muffled at first, it became clearer by the second.

He opened his eyes to see that he was in what looked like to be someone's bedroom.

Three felt something off about his nose. He couldn't really get to it with his wing.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by someone practically yelling. "Glitchy! Mario was just calling to make sure you're ok!"

Three looked over to where he heard the voice.

'No way...' Beside Three with his back turned was the young man he saved last night. 'So, his name is Glitchy. Odd name for a human, but who am I to judge.'

Three still had to get more dog food. If any of the pet stores were still open...

He shifted back to his human form and quietly made his way to the door.

However, Glitchy turned around to face Three while he was halfway towards the door.

"I'll call you back." He said before hanging up the phone.


Luke could not believe his eyes. The mysterious man who saved him was here.

They stared at each other for a moment before they both made a quick dash for the glass door.

Luke didn't want the man to leave, not yet. He wanted some answers.

They both got to the door at the same time. They struggled for a bit before the man pinned Luke to the wall.

 They struggled for a bit before the man pinned Luke to the wall

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Luke blushed. He could feel his heart racing. He knew the man could probably hear it too, with his pointy ears.

The moonlight had made it easier to get a good look at the man who saved him.

Raven black hair made its way down right above his shoulders, a small beard on his face, bright red eyes that seemed to glow with moonlight, the bandage Luke had put on his nose was gone, most likely the man took it off.

He was wearing a simple outfit compared to the one he wore when they first met.

Purple shirt with dark blue pants, a belt around his waist. The only exception was that he had a cape!

A cape! Like a vampire would have!

Wait, Luke noticed the bite marks on the man's neck.

Oh god! Mario was right!

There really are vampires!

And one had him pinned to his own wall.


"You have some guts trying to stop a vampire." The man said, in a low voice that made Luke's heartbeat go even faster. "I'm pretty impressed."

"Uhh..." Luke's brain froze. 'Now is not the time to have a gay panic!' He thought to himself.

The man's eyes seemed to glow even brighter. "What's your deal? I know some vampire clans have humans that do some of their dirty work for them."

Luke gulped. " I- I... I'm n-not with any vampire group, or clan or whatever you call them... I just wanted to... uh, help you..."

The man raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Help me? Why?"

"You saved me, so I thought... we would now be even." God, Luke's heart was really working overtime. 

The man let go of Luke's arms. "Well, Glitchy." He must have heard Luke's conversation over the phone. "I have to go. I've got things to do."

Luke impulsivly grabbed his arm. "W-wait!" The man turned to him. Luke could feel his face blushing again. "Uhh... I don't even know your name..."

The man narrowed his eyes, he moves closer towards Luke. "Why do you want to know?" His eyes seemed to be glowing again. "Why do you want that information?"

Luke blames both his tired brain and his crazy heart for what he did next.

He kissed him.

On the lips!

But then something even crazier happened. 

The man started to kiss back!

Finally, they both let go. Luke's face was entirely red, even the man seemed to be blushing, all be it, to a less extent.

"I..." The man paused, he turned away for a moment. "I don't remember my real name... when I turned... I lost all of my memories as a human. The only name I was given was Three."

Three. Luke could cherish that forever.

"I... hope we can see each other again, Three." Luke rubbed his arm. 

Three gave him a soft smile, "I hope so too, Glitchy ~" He opened the door and flew into the night.

Luke starred out for a bit before closing the door and hopping onto his bed.

He was so overwhelmed with joy. 

He kissed the boy he liked! He- still didn't get his number... Wait, does he even have a cell phone?

Luke flopped his head onto the pillows.

He was such a bi disaster. 

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