Chapter 1

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It's been a while since John-John's best friend Sluggo died but his behaviour had never changed. He was still a troublemaker together with his friends but at least he could be together with his very first love Elisabeth.

Unlike him who didn't care much about the law and was only up for trouble, his mother always worked hard for them and always cared about him and his well being as a good mother would always do. Just like in this moment.

She waited this evening for him to come back, full of worries as she clearly knew something was off, she could feel it, it's in her mother instincts and once the door opened and he finally arrived she crossed her arms, looking totally not amused as she saw he came back home, looking a little beaten up and he even had a wound on his forehead.

„What did you do again? Where have you been? This is not funny anymore. When will you stop that nonsense and always get into fights with others?" She complained as she followed him to his room, holding the door open he just wanted to close. „Hey do you listen?" She added and he only looked at her with a blank expression.

„You didn't care when Patrik hit me okay, you didn't believe me and now you care?" He brought his mothers ex boyfriend up again, making her frown as she tried to explain herself. „I didn't do that on purpose! Of course I didn't know who to believe cause you both lied to me." She mentioned and honestly she hated fighting with her son but she only did it cause she loved him. She wanted him to be safe but she quickly noticed something was terribly wrong as he fainted.


Readers POV

I am currently at my break with my coworker, we got some coffee, trying to enjoy at least a second or even a few more minutes of silence. I am a paramedic. We currently finished our fifth task for tonight, too much shit happening and it went on once we got a call, a teen who got into a fight before fainted at home, having a wound on their head.

Of course me and my coworker didn't waste any time as we made our way to the said place quickly.

As I ringed on the door, a worried looking beautiful woman opened the door. We made eye contact for only a second or two before she turned and lead us to the boy's room but her gaze was still stuck in my mind, she had a intense gaze, eyes beautifully deep brown, they just couldn't be so quickly forgotten.

„Okay no worries we got this." I said as me and my coworker did our work, he seemed to have a light concussion but nothing too bad since he quickly came back to us again after we gave him some liquid over an access and meanwhile taking care if the wound. His vital's were fine so no need to panic.

„Good morning little guy. Are you okay?" I ask him and he just looked at me in confusion before nodding and then groaning. „My head hurts..." He said and I nod. „Sure it does you have a little concussion." I said very casually with a calm voice, we don't need any more stress in here, I noticed his mother was stressed enough.

„We will still have to take him with us for at least a night to check him every hour so we won't miss anything." My coworker explained to his mother while we prepared him to take him with us.

We were about to leave with him as we put him into our vehicle but I forgot to ask about the name and where I could call his mother if necessary but before I could even speak I felt her arm on mine as she looked at me, eyes full of worries. „Please, can I come with you? He's still a teenager, it must be possible right? Only for a bit until I know exactly what's wrong." She asked me and for a moment I just looked at her. I shouldn't think like that during work but there was just something special about that woman. How can I say no?

„Fine. You can come with us." I said and she followed me inside the vehicle. I was with them while my coworker drove us to the hospital. I needed to ask them some more questions for the papers and slowly but surely me and the woman became into a little small talk while her son was okay but didn't talk a lot.

„Don't worry everything will be fine. I am (Y/N) by the way" I told them to light up the situation a little and I saw how she looked at my name tag before looking up into my eyes again. „I am Loreen and that's my son John-John." She answered me and I smiled kindly, nodding my head. „Nice to meet you two."

Later when we brought both of them to the hospital, me and my coworker did park out there and cleaned our vehicle for the next task. I felt his eyes on me, looking at me with a very specific stare. „You like her huh?" He said and I blushed a bit at that, shaking my head. „Oh shush! Yea she is beautiful but she has a son so I figure she is straight." I said. Of course that wasn't a reason but still. I remember her saying it's only them, there was no husband but still, I am at work and needed to be professional.

„Oh look I guess someone wants to talk to you." He mentioned and I thought it was another coworker but I saw Loreen there, looking at me like she wanted something so I left him do the rest alone and went over to her, noticing her eyes checking me out, wearing a paramedic uniform did have a effect on some huh?

„Hey um...I wanted to say thank you. You were so calm and kind to him..." She said and I shook my head in response. „No need to thank me. That's my job." I told her and she was still not going away as she looked at me. „How can I thank you? I didn't know what to do with him." She continued and I chuckled in response. „Huh?? No really you don't have to give me anything. I am happy I could help." I add but she was stubborn.

„Would you like me to invite you to a dinner? Just as a thank you. You know where I live by now." She mentioned and I was speechless at first but then sighed and nod my head. „Fine. I will get to you tomorrow after work 8PM?" I ask and she smiled softly, nodding her head. „Sure!"

Did I just got a fucking date? Well that wasn't very professional...but she looked so happy.

To be continued

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