Chapter 3

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Readers POV

Today was a more calm day for me, at least that's what I thought. I didn't have to work today and decided to go to the gym today, knowing I had to stay fit to be able to continue my job.

A few hours later I got out the gym, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, of course I didn't go to the gym beautifully clothed it had to be comfy plus I didn't think I would randomly meet Loreen here on the streets of the city but I did meet John-John.

I saw him hanging out with his girlfriend, at least I assumed since they looked very close and when he saw me he waved at me, making me wave back and decide to get closer to them.

„Hey! How are you?" I said as I got there with a happy smile but he gave me a little worried expression, making me sit down on the curb beside them. „Alright don't give me that look, what's happening? Did you fight with your mom?"

„(Y/N) you need to help me. My mother is just destroying her whole life being with that idiot! You really need to do something! He does hit me, he takes drugs and in general he is a asshole!" John-John told me and I just looked at him with a blank expression. She had someone? So...that really was just a little thank you.

„But how should I help you? You know...that sounds terrible but there must be something that keeps your mother close to him." I said and surely this wasn't the best answer since he got even more mad. „My mother thinks nobody else would love her so she is kind if holding onto him but I know he is not the right one!" He was getting more stressed about the situation so I noticed Elisabeth placing her arm on his shoulder to calm him down, making me sigh.

„I really do like your mother you know that. I just...don't know how to do things now knowing she has a boyfriend." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. This really was bad news.

„(Y/N) please...he does hit me whenever he wants when my mom isn't here and she won't believe me." He kept on begging me, making me feel very sad for him but I decide to light up the situation a little and ruffle his hair playfully. „There there don't be so sad! Are we friends or nah? You know you can count on a paramedic." I said with a chuckle, seeing him chuckle at me but his face got serious again as he saw his mom and her boyfriend being there, seeming like they want to pick him up or something. I didn't see them yet so his actions kind of surprised me as he began to laugh and hug me.

„Woah! What's that for?" I laugh and then I saw them too, now realising he did that so Loreen could see how good we went along but is that really the good way?

Anyways there was no more time to pretend stuff even tho I really wasn't pretending, I liked the little guy since Loreen called him over. The man beside her gave me a death stare. He wore a police officer outfit, that really didn't make any sense to me but whatever.

„Bye (Y/N) see you!" He said and it was only me and Elisabeth here.

„You do love her right?" I heard the girl say and it made me look at her in confusion. „Why?" I said and she just shrugged before she went on. „You look at her just like John-John looks at me."

Well she wasn't wrong...maybe I did have feelings for that woman but right now it seemed impossible to get to her.

When I was about to say something I heard a loud bang, something like a car crash that got me into working mode again even tho I wasn't in uniform as I ran into the direction and I could really see a car crash happened, Elisabeth following me and thankfully it wasn't John-John and the others since they were also standing there a bit shocked, they were on their way to their car as it seemed.

„(Y/N)!" I heard the boy call for me in surprise as he saw me and Elisabeth stood right next to him. „Don't worry. Please call the ambulance I will look for them." I add and he looked at Loreen before taking out his phone and did what I told him.

„You're a police officer! Why don't you do anything?!" Elisabeth was now the one yelling at Patrik as she saw him only holding onto Loreen as if he was scared to lose her instead of moving to the people that would now need help.

„None of my business. Miss superhero is already there." He said annoyedly.

On the other hand I managed to pull the hurt person out the car, it was a older one that probably didn't see the other car coming. I put him on the ground and checked for his breathing but there wasn't anything, also no pulse. So I did what I had to and ripped open his shirt to get better access to his chest and started the CPR. I felt their eyes on me but there was nothing that could distract me from this, I needed to help and when my coworker's finally arrived they started continuing the job so I could finally take a deep breath as I let them continue and take the person into the vehicle.

„Good job superhero." I heard a male voice and I turned to look it was the man that held onto Loreen but she finally got annoyed by him as well as she pulled him away. „Stop! Stop being mean to (Y/N)! You could have helped her." She told him and went towards me instead, I could see John-John liking this very much as he smiled a little but I focused on Loreen who just stood right in front of me.

„Are you okay??" She told me and I nod my head in response, needing to find the right words first. „That's my job. I thankfully got him back again and the rest...well my coworkers will do that. I am glad you're okay." I told her, noticing she wanted to smile or even hug me but I also felt a certain person's death stare on me at the same time.

„You're really different..." She told me with such a soft voice, almost whispering so only I could hear it.

To be continued

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