Chapter 2

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Readers POV

The next day I made my way to Loreen's place just as promised after work. When I ringed the doorbell I saw John-John opening it for me and he greeted me.

„Hey! Come in." He looked happy to see me which did make me feel a bit confused, aren't teenagers rather pissed if their parents want to get to know someone better? Maybe it's cause I helped him? „Mom! (Y/N) is here!" He said and disappeared into his room, leaving me here in the little hallway as I took off my shoes and the jacket of my uniform. I didn't habe time to change clothes or I would be late but I think that's gonna be okay. I had my working shirt on under the jacket which had the logo of the hospital I was working at on it.

When I move to the kitchen it already smelled nice, making my tummy almost grumble. I really was hungry after work.

She just got finished preparing stuff on the kitchen table and once she saw me her eyes lit up and she moved towards me and hugged me so tightly. „Hey! I am so glad you took the time to come visit me." She told me like she already prepared herself mentally for me not to come, making me smile as I look at her after the hug. „I do keep my promises seriously. If I say I will come then I will. Plus this is really nice of you, wanting to thank me like that really is something special so I would never say no." I add and saw how she was still smiling before we both sat down.

„What about John-John?" I do keep asking tho, wondering if he ate something.

„He did eat outside with friends don't worry." She added and I nod in response. Seems like it's only gonna be us two here and I had to say this was a very comfy moment even though she was still a stranger...we both were strangers to each other but the evening went along very well. We talked a lot about our life and she asked me a lot about my work. Usually I hated talking about work after my shift but she looked so interested, I had to tell her about it.

Homemade food was really the best thing you could eat and I had to admit she really could cook well. I ate everything up and that clearly made her happy.

„Did you like it?" I heard her ask, making me nod in response. „Of course! It was very good, thank you for inviting me." I add and she stood up to take away the plates but I didn't want her to do that alone so I stood up as well, joining her to the sink as I took a kitchen towel without really thinking. „Come on let me help you. I am not a royalty that's just gonna sit there and wait until you wash up." I said and could see her blush a little at my statement but she accepted my offer. „Fine. Thank you." She answered me and with that we did it together.

After we finished everything and put them back to their place she took out two wine glasses, making me wonder where this will go.

„You like wine?" She asked and I got back to reality once she spoke to me and nod. „I do!" I answered a bit too excited and there we are drinking wine together as we kept on sitting there in the kitchen, talking about everything possible.

It was nearly midnight and we still kept on talking even though I felt myself getting more and more tired and she looked tired too. I had the feeling she just didn't want to sound like kicking me out so when I finished my glass I decided to do the first step.

„Thank you for the sweetest way possible to say thank you. I just think we both should go to bed soon huh?" I said and she slowly nodded, I saw her gaze not leaving mine as she stared at me but doing things we might regret the next day cause the alcohol drove us to it wouldn't be good so I stood up with a smile, making her stand up as well.

„You're right. I see you soon again?" I heard her say and I really wanted that too so I agreed with her as I put my shoes and jacket back on before I turned to look at her with a happy expression.

„Sure! Why not? It was a pleasure meeting you privately. See you around." I add but before I left I leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek, a little thank you before I left, waving goodbye.

What did I just do? Could it be possible that I fell in love so quickly? Well they say love at first sight is existing but I never believed in it. The urge to kiss her lips instead of her cheek was too strong though but maybe it was just the alcohol. Whatever...I called an Uber to drive me home since I wasn't able to drive by my own anymore.

„How was it?" John-John cane out of his room after you disappeared, catching Loreen blush as she still stood in the hallway, making her look at him with a light smile. „It was nice." She said but he didn't believe her that it was just ‚nice'.

„Riight...did you kiss?" He kept on teasing his mother and she rolled her eyes at him. „No. We simply hugged and that's it." She answered him but of course he didn't believe her, following her to the living room as she wanted to sit down, getting next to her.

„You know...I thought nobody wants me after the thing with Patrik. I am just a single mother that doesn't even life a fancy life." She continued on her own and her sentence made John-John frown before he answered. „Are you seriously comparing yourself to Elisabeth? Mom...her Dad is also single for I don't know how long. It's not a matter of money." He told her and that made her smile again, hugging her son very tightly.

„I would not mind having her here. Much better than Patrik." He added but there was still something off with her and he noticed it as he looked up at her. „Don't tell me you still love him..." He said but she just looked away, not responding.

„ you have still contact with him?" He said and she sighed before answering him.

„People can change." Was the only thing she said but that wasn't what John-John wanted to hear. „No way! He hit me did you forget that??" He said but she didn't really listen. „He didn't. He just pushed you against the wall cause you weren't listening."

„I-...are you insane?!" John-John felt like his whole world broke, he really thought he didn't have to see that person ever again and instead seeing you more.

„Hey don't talk like that with me." Loreen got mad with her son, hating it when he talked with her like that but John-John didn't really care at this point.

„Why the thing with (Y/N) now?! Maybe she likes you did you think about that??" He continued but she just crossed her arms, looking away from him. „It was just a thank you..." She added and John-John stood up from the couch, about to leave to his room again.

„No mom it's not! And I know that. You like her more than you want to admit!"
He just said before leaving, closing the door of his room a bit too harsh.

To be continued

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