Chapter 8

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Readers POV

I knew she wasn't okay at all and it was hard for me to do anything right now if she won't tell me but I also knew I can't just leave her like that. My gaze moved to look at John-John but he only looked down, not making eye contact with me anymore as he seemed to feel not okay as well out of a sudden.

I frown as I felt her hand pushing mine away from her thigh before I could be more concerned she spoke to me with a soft voice. „Don't do that please..." I heard her voice crack since she felt so hurt by having to push me away from her like that and seeming kinda cold.

„You know you can always come to me..." I just add before my coworker had to interrupt us. I totally forgot we were at work and this was just a break, not a helping Loreen mission right now.

A sigh left my lips as I couldn't really hold back my disappointment but what was pissing me off more was seeing Patrik when I left the diner with my coworker. He thankfully talked to someone so we didn't have to make eye contact, my heart racing out of rage but I knew I had to focus now. I have work to do.

John-John didn't like the situation his mother was in at all. He thought the horror finally ended after you made sure Patrik will finally leave and never come back again...a beautiful thought but reality was different. Patrik was a way more dangerous person than expected only sad thing was that Loreen never really believed in that and thought he was the love of her life but sadly John-John was always right and told her the truth by saying Patrik is a violent person.

The bad thing was that the man exactly knew what he wanted and in that case it was Loreen and it didn't take long until he came back to them, threatening them with a gun. And he will shoot if they won't do what he wanted. A lovesick person that was also a drug addict, very bad combination.

At this day where Loreen and John-John met you, Patrik stood outside there to keep an eye on them. They could try to get away and that's not what he would let happen.

„Why didn't you tell (Y/N) to help us? She would definitely do that!" John-John said as he was clearly mad and disappointed but in fact, what should you do in that case?

„You know I pushed her away because I am worried about her health. I don't want her to get hurt because of me don't you understand? He has a gun and he won't hesitate to use it." Loreen tried to explain to him in a low voice so nobody would hear what she said and that made the boy roll his eyes kn annoyance.

„A gun is dangerous I know...I lost Sluggo because of that thing. But we can't do nothing!" He answered with a frown, of course being mad at her but she didn't answer, she just stayed silent as she looked away and spoke. „You're gonna be late."

He really will be late for class soon if he continues to discuss with her and he realised it before he could even complain more. Patrik didn't care so much about John-John so it wasn't important if he left or not. „Fine...I will go." He only said before leaving. Loreen looked out the window, seeing Patrik still being there like a dog guarding the house which made her feel sick inside. She hated to be along with him now when they get home.

Readers POV

10PM...I finally finished with work, got a shower and now lay on my couch, looking at the ceiling, looking at basically nothing actually as I got lost in my thoughts. I can't forget what happened today at the diner. I can't stay here like nothing happened and keep living my life. Damn it I love that woman. I need to know what was wrong. I had the urge to go to her place and that was exactly what I did.

I didn't know what would happen if I do this but I also don't wanna know what would happen if I won't get to see her. I have a bad feeling in my tummy, feeling like vomiting, being sick about this whole situation.

When I knocked on the door I felt my heart rate going up again, not knowing who would open the door. Loreen? John-John? Maybe even Patrik? It could be anyone at this point, making me bite down on my lip nervously as the door finally opened and thankfully I saw Loreen opening it for me, her eyes widen when she saw me.

„What are you doing here?!" She told me as if she saw a monster, trying to push me out her apartment as I was about to step in but this time I stayed stubborn, I didn't let her push me back and I immediately felt bad as I heard her whine in pain as I accidentally grabbed her arm but I didn't even do that hard so it was more surprising to me.

„Hey! Stop it. Let me in and talk to me!" I tried to get through her and it worked. Loreen let me inside as she stopped pushing me out and I closed the door behind me, only seeing her fall on her knees which made me do the same immediately and hug her close to me. I didn't know what was going on but this shocked me.

„'s okay! Please don't cry. I am here now. Please don't-..." I tried to comfort her as I feel her grab me by my shirt as she held onto me so tightly.

„Please you need to leave. Please go." She kept on begging me but I stayed. I didn't want to leave her alone, not at this state. „Why??" I just asked to hopefully get an answer from her and so I did and it made me worry even more.

„Cause I don't want you to die!" She kept on crying. She wanted me to go but at the same time she held me tight. It seemed like her mind wanted me to go but her heart, her feelings wanted me to stay and it broke me.

„Die? Why?? And what's with your arm??" I continue to ask her questions as I pull back and roll up the sleeve of her sleeping cloth and saw her arm all red and blue. It looked broken to me.

„What-...what happened??" I ask her as I carefully inspect her arm more and she still sobbed as she went on.

„He is a monster...I should have listened to John-John before...I am so sorry I didn't. Patrik hit me...he does it more and more to get control over me. He is sick! He wants me only for himself and doesn't accept a no. He doesn't accept I broke up with him cause of exactly those things and worse thing is...he has a gun. That's why I have to obey." She explained to me and I felt my eyes tear up as well as I realised what sick things are happening here. I just knew I couldn't leave her alone. Not now, not in this state.

„Loreen...I won't leave you alone now..." I told her as I cup her cheeks and she looked at me with those still beautiful deep brown eyes even though she cried so much and they were all red and puffy.

I wanted to kiss her but I heard the door opening behind us.

To be continued

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