Chapter 4

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Readers POV

Last day was crazy indeed. I never thought I had to do something like that on my day off but here we were, you never know when you had to use what you've learned for work.

As a paramedic I witnessed a lot of things like that before so it didn't get near me, the woman I was talking to in the end didn't leave my mind more than the actual incident. Her eyes, her whole gaze and then her words...I am different...what did she mean by different? Different than this grumpy man beside her? Well duh yes I am but she chose who she wanted to be with. I am not making myself any hopes I just...I felt sad for John-John.

Speaking of. I heard my phone buzzing and when I looked at it, it was message from John-John.

JJ >> Hey (Y/N) you forgot something in here when you last time visited us. Care to pick it up?<<

I frowned at his message, not remembering I did forget something at their apartment but as confused as I am sometimes maybe I really did forget something without noticing.

(Y/N) >> How did you get my number??? Fine I will pick it up see ya in a few minutes! <<


JJ >> Don't pretend being so confused I got it from my mom's phone. See you!<<

I sighed seeing his message, he really was a little brat, going through his mother's phone is something you shouldn't do and I am very sure this happened without her permission. She must be working now so I won't see her now...maybe better for us all.

When I went to their home I ringed the door and John-John opened the door, looking at me with a smile. „Hey!" He said and before I could even ask what I forgot I saw Patrik being there, making me frown as I really didn't like the situation so much.

„What are you doing here?? Wanting to get my girl?" He grumbled at me and I just sighed before answering him with the most calm voice possible.

„Listen here I did forget something, John-John did remember me, I will leave as soon as I got it okay?" I told him but something made him mad when he heard his name, getting into the living room and tried to fight the poor younger one again. „You let her in?! What are you playing with us?? You know your mother isn't interested into that woman, she is MINE and you need to start fucking listening!" I heard him yell but John-John defended himself.

„She really left something here! Why are you so mad? Nobody told you anything that (Y/N) wants something from my mother besides she would fit her much better than the high junkie you are! You are high right now aren't you? You're always aggressive when you are!" John-John said and the next thing I saw was Patrik attacking him, first hitting him and then pressing him against the wall, making my eyes widen in shock. That man really did hurt him many times before it must be right. I can't just let that happen.

I went between them, making Patrik let go of  him but what I didn't see coming was his fist against my face, making me trip and John-John went to me but I managed to move myself protectively over him as I worked at the moment just like a human shield as the man hit my back a few times.

„Tell me! Why are you here!!? You little whore just want to get to my girlfriend! Go away and take him with you!" He shouted and I groaned, closing my eyes as I hoped he will stop but when I would move I knew he would hurt John-John so I stayed.

What I didn't notice in that moment was that when Patrik said that Loreen just came inside the apartment, seeing and hearing it all which made him immediately stop hitting me and I opened my eyes to see Loreen being all shocked about this as she slowly moved closer with tears in her eyes.

„Go..." She said and he held his hands up in defense as if nothing happened. „Loreen I-...they tripped I didn't-..." He tried to find a bad excuse but she already saw it all, making her push him now. „I said go! And never come back..." She added and he looked at all of us with a mad expression before he finally left the apartment and she looked at us both, too stunned to speak for a moment.

„What are you doing here?" She asked me and I honestly didn't know how I went here. It almost felt like John-John wanted me to come here to help him.

„I just...I came here because John-John texted me..." I explained only half of the story but it wasn't a lie anyways. I really did protect her son from worse things and I am glad I did, this man really was dangerous.

„I told you he didn't change! And he never will!" John-John shouted at her before leaving, running out the apartment and I didn't know where to go. She was sad, he was mad and probably sad and I was in the middle of it all.

I saw Loreen staring at my face for a moment as she placed her hand on my cheek, making me look at her in confusion but then she spoke. „Your lip is bleeding...he did hit you hard didn't he?" She told me and I just nod slowly in response, she looked so sad but on the other hand it was good she noticed it.

„I-...yea but better me than him. I will find him and bring him back home okay? Don't worry." I pulled away from her touch and walked away, wanting to find John-John before he will meet Patrik out there and worse will happen.

„Thank you..." She only said softly as she watched me go.

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