Chapter 10

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Readers POV

It's already been days since I took Loreen and John-John with me into my house for their own good and thankfully we didn't have to face Patrik yet. John-John got his place in my guest room which was like his own little room now to escape whenever he needed it or even just chill when he didn't plan going outside.

Today was the day when I could finally pick Loreen up from the hospital and thankfully it's my holidays so I could focus on taking care of them both.

I knew today John-John went to hang out with Elisabeth which was totally fine for me I even allowed him take her here if they had enough of being outside, knowing her father wasn't so happy with the situation.

A compliment relationship...something nobody wanted, the struggle can be very painful and yet me and Loreen had a similar problem. How to get rid of Patrik was number one in my thoughts at the moment but I also knew messing with a man that has a gun never ends well or at least it could end very bad. I am just happy I got to finally see her today again and take her home where she was save.

All these thoughts went through my mind as I drove to the hospital and once I parked my car near the ambulance I could see the woman I would give my life for walking towards me with a huge smile as she saw me getting out the car, her arm still wrapped up. I remember she needs to wear the plaster splint for a few more days but that was fine, she was with me after all.

„Hey there." I said as she hugged me with one arm, making me hug her back tightly, enjoying the closeness so much, wishing this feeling never had to end. „ can let me go you know." She added and I realised I totally got lost into the hug, making me pull back with a chuckle and nod. „Sure! Sorry I missed you." I add with a chuckle and she smiled even more widely before placing a kiss on my cheek. „I know...let's go home." She added and I nod before we both went into the car and started to drive off home.

Once we arrived and went inside the house John-John was at home as well as he greeted us along with Elisabeth, making us both smile but of course Loreen was concerned if that's even okay for me as she gave me a questioning look and I just nod. „It's okay. I allowed him to bring her over, it's better than risking meeting Patrik out there...I am still figuring out how to get rid of him." I told her and she frowned once I mentioned him again.

„'s enough that you helped us. I don't know how to ever thank you for this, there is nothing I can give you back." Loreen told me and I just smiled softly at her as I cup her cheek's, making her look at me with those beautiful eyes. „Listen...I don't need anything from you okay? I am happy you are fine now and save here with me together with John-John." I said and she smiled just a little bit before she kissed me, making me feel so happy. This is actually everything I want in return...her to love me back.

„Uhm...sorry to disturb you two but I am really hungry." John-John told us, Elisabeth nudging him a little while rolling her eyes. „Ugh! Don't destroy this romantic moment." She added which made me and Loreen laugh, it was actually very cute but I don't really mind some food.

„Fine I will make us something." I said before disappearing into the kitchen, noticing Loreen following me. „I want to help you..." She added and I just chuckled before turning to look at her, crossing my arms. „With one hand? No. I can do it on my own plus you invited me last time for dinner and besides...I bet you already did enough the past months if not years so let me do this and you can relax for once." I mentioned before placing a sweet little kiss on her forehead, seeing her pout at me. I knew she disliked it but it's just like that now.

I focused on making us dinner meanwhile Loreen sat in the kitchen and watched me while we talked a bit and when I was done I placed everything on the table ready for eat dinner and then calling the kids to come join us.

„John-John! Elisabeth! You can come." I called them, of course I invited Elisabeth as well, she was John-John's girlfriend after all and even if they were just friends, sharing was something I always loved to do.

„Fucking finally!" John-John said as he excitedly went to the kitchen along with Elisabeth, making Loreen give him a annoyed look. „Watch your language." She told him and I just chuckled.

„It's okay I know he didn't mean it in a bad way." I said and with that everyone focused on eating, it was a very beautiful evening. I already felt like we were like a little family and it was more than beautiful. Something I always dreamed of but never really got the chance to. I blended out every danger that's waiting for us out there and just focused on this beautiful moment.

When we were finished, I took care of the dishes and then it was finally time for me and Loreen having a bit of alone time after Elisabeth went home and John-John disappeared into his room.

We were currently in bed and I noticed her turning on her side and hugging me, making me frown as I noticed she turned on her hurt arm, the paramedic inside me coming out. „Hey don't lay on your arm, you might hurt yourself again." I told her and she just chuckled as she looked at me. „But I want to cuddle you." She mentioned and I stood up to go on the other side, making her laugh at my action. „Did you just move so I can cuddle you??" Loreen said while still laughing and I nod my head. „Sure! I rather have your broken arm on me instead of you laying on it." I said and she hugged me again but this time she laid her broken arm on top of me, making me feel more calm. I don't want her to get hurt again and rather want her to heal as soon as possible.

When I put the blanket over us and we are all cuddled up together I felt like being in heaven. It was so beautiful having her close to me, it felt good knowing she is back with me again, here at my home and I will protect her at all costs.

I turned to look down at her since I felt her staring at me and her gaze told me everything as I pulled her body more closer to mine and closed the gap between us as we kiss so deeply. I loved that woman so much.

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