Chapter 11

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Readers POV

In the morning I got woken up by hearing a beautiful voice ringing in my ears, my eyes slowly opening as I grumble a little, frowning as I notice Loreen wasn't beside me anymore and that's when I noticed the voice I heard belonged to her.

I got out of bed slowly, running my hand through my own hair as I yawn and got into my slippers before I walked out the bedroom only wearing shorts and a lose shirt I slept in, soon seeing Loreen being in the living room as she sat on the couch and sang. I moved quietly and slowly, not wanting to disturb her as I watched her and listened to her voice which literally touched my heart. I stood there behind her until she finished and I couldn't shut up anymore about how amazed I was. „Wow..." I mentioned and she turned to look at me with a blush painting her cheeks.

„For how long did you stand here?" She asked me and I just shook my head in response before I walked closer to her. „Not long. I just woke up." I said and she still looked a bit embarrassed, not really thinking I would catch her singing but there was no reason to be so shy.

„Your voice is beautiful! No actually there are no words for me to describe I really am amazed. You have a huge talent." I told her as I sat down beside her and she smiled shyly before she placed her hand on my thigh. „Aww...thank you. Well...I always loved to sing you know? I just never really got the time to practice more and make lore out of it. Being a single mom isn't easy you know." She mentioned and I nod in response. She really must have went through a lot and I am just happy I helped her out of the other problem which was sadly still a problem to us.

„It's okay. I understand." I told her and she kept on looking at me, I could feel her gaze on my lips which made me smile even more before I lean in for a kiss, having her kiss me back happily. „I am so thankful to have you with me now." She said and I caressed her cheek with a happy smile still on my lips. „And you won't get rid of me that quickly." I add and she chuckled at my words. „And I don't ever want you to leave."

Yea I won't leave her, I am not ever planning to do so. My love for her only grew bigger the more we spend time together.

However, I knew I had to leave again for work and I hated it but I also knew they will be fine as long as they stay at my home.

[time skip]

It was dark when I had to head home and moved through the dark parking lot as I made my way to my car before a male voice stopped me in my tracks.

„I knew I would find you. Where is my girlfriend?!" I hear him shout at me and when I turned around I saw Patrik moving towards me with a angry expression, making me clench my teeth, this is not what I needed right now.
„Ugh...she is fine. Better when she is away from you. Now fuck off I don't need you to annoy me right now." I was about to turn away but before I knew it the man pushed me against one of the trees surrounding the parking lot, his arm pressing against my throat as he pinned me against it, making me choke.

„Listen here little shit. You will tell me where the fuck you took her or we will have a huge problem." He growled at me and I saw him holding a little knife in his free hand, trying to ignore the fact that he almost made me faint since the lose of air. Patrik knew if I am gonna be dead he won't find out where Loreen was.

„Let her go!" Another voice appeared out of nowhere and to my surprise it was my coworker who coincidentally saw us and he pulled Patrik away from me, making me gasp for air as I held my own neck, falling on my knees as I had to calm down, looking up at the two man fighting and discussing. „Careful! He has a knife!" I yell to warm him and saw how my coworker just hit Patrik, making him let the knife fall on the floor and that's when the both used their fists to fight.

My gaze moved to the knife and my next actions were running towards it and take it in my own hand, pointing directly at Patrik as I moved closer to them, I knew I had to defend my coworker. „Patrik! Stop it! You won't harm more people! Go fuck off!" I told him and he raised his hands in defense as if he did nothing wrong.

„Put that knife away girl!" He grumbled at me and I swallowed hard. This was the opportunity to get rid of him forever but I knew it also was the wrong way.

„(Y/N)??..." A female voice appeared behind me and I instantly knew who that was, making me turn to see Loreen.

„What are you doing here?! Is your arm okay??" That was the first thing I asked but she kept on staring at me seriously.

„Put it down...don't be like him...please..." She just said and she was right, I let the knife fall to the ground.

To be continued

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