Chapter 6

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Readers POV

I woke up in the morning, noticing the surroundings were different. It wasn't my home. In the next moment I noticed someone squeezing me closer to them and when I finally came back to reality I remembered what happened yesterday. Seeing Loreen being here with me and cuddling me. It was a beautiful feeling.

I decided to stay close to her like that as she had her head resting in my chest, my hand just caressing her back gently as I got lost in thoughts, remembering every single little thing that happened last night and it sent shivers down my spine.

I was wondering what we are now. We are definitely no strangers anymore after this but also...was it only a hookup cause she felt sad? Are we dating now? I don't know...I only wanted this moment to never end but when I felt her move, I knew it was time getting out of my own thoughts and focus on reality now.

When I looked down I noticed Loreen was waking up slowly as well as she opened her eyes and looked at me. Her facial expression when being tired was just so cute I had the urge to kiss her but I didn't. „Good morning." I said instead and she moved her arms around me again as she nuzzled more closer to me, feeling her breath on my neck which made me blush but I didn't complain. I keep her close by holding her around her waist and that was the moment where I realised we fell asleep last night without clothes on.

„Thank you..." I heard her whisper and it brought me back to reality again. „For what?" I ask her, of course I knew yesterday was a lot but I didn't know why she was thanking me right now.

„For protecting my son. For being there for me when I wasn't feeling good. You really didn't have to." She went on and that made me smile a bit, I couldn't hold back and still placed a kiss on her head before nuzzling into her hair, my hand gently caressing her and I noticed it made her only shift closer to me, the skin contact making my heart race in a good way.

„No need to thank me. I promised you he will come back home save and gladly he listened to me. As for you...I just couldn't see you being sad like that. I feel sorry for what you went through...really." I told her and she looked up at me again, her deep brown eyes looking so intensely at me it almost took my breath away.

„You're a life saver for a lot of people. It must be normal for you." She said as she moved her fingers along my chest, I am really not able to hold back my blush at this moment and I bet she noticed because she went to place kisses on my neck which made me sigh softly. I didn't expect her to went on with this, making me close my eyes as I enjoyed her lips on my skin.

„...but you weren't at work. You decided to help me in your free time." She went on and I was a bit speechless for a moment, only groaning softly when I felt her teeth sink into my skin.

„O-Of course..." Was the only thing I could get out now since she was already driving me crazy again but she stopped as she leaned up again, looking at me with a soft smile.

„As much as I enjoyed cuddling with you this morning. We need to get up." Loreen told me and I knew she was right. Maybe I shouldn't think too much and let this flow. So we both got up from bed and decided to get dressed, me trying hard not to look too much at her perfect body or I would literally snap. In my thoughts I already did many things to her but I knew now is not the right time.

When we got out the bedroom John-John was looking at us with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, he clearly knew what was going on last night.

„Hey you two could you please not be too obvious next time??" He said and that was the moment where even Loreen had to blush.

„Well...(Y/N) and I feel sorry for that." She just replied and didn't really make eye contact with him, I could imagine it was embarrassing to know your son heard you doing the naughty.

„Anyways you two I need to go, school is waiting." He added before taking his bag and left the apartment, leaving me and Loreen alone.

I saw her making some coffee for both of us so I decide to sit down, my hands resting on the kitchen table, feeling a bit awkward at the silence but when she turned to face me again, placing both cups on the table the silence finally vanished.

„Here you go. I won't let you go without it. I know you must be tired." She said and I nod slowly before taking a sip. „Thank you. I really appreciate it." I said and saw her staring at me, biting her own lower lip. Loreen was definitely lost in her thoughts at this moment and it made me frown.

„Hey are you okay?" I told her and she just slowly nodded her head in response. „I am. Don't worry."

With that the morning silence went on and soon when we finished our coffee I felt like it was time to go and got up from my seat, smiling even tho I felt a little weird now.

„So! Time to go for me. I have a few things to do and I bet you do too." I finally said and Loreen nodded in understanding before she got up as well and followed me to the door to say goodbye. When I finished putting on my shoes and my jacket I turned to face her again, opening my arms for a hug and she hugged me tightly.

When we pull back she looked at me deeply and so did I, leaning slowly in but before our lips could touch I noticed her hands gently pulling me back by my shoulders.

„I am sorry..." I heard her say, her gripping lightly on my shoulders as I noticed she was close to cry at this point, making me lean back as I frowned a little, making me cup her cheeks. „'s fine..." I add and she shook her head before she went on. „I am not ready for a new relationship yet...I am so sorry."

I knew something was off but I understood. She wasn't in a very good situation and technically she just broke up with Patrik yesterday...kinda. So I just decided to place a kiss on her cheek before moving back again.

„It's okay. Take your time." I said and she nodded even tho she still looked sad.

This was a little heartbreaking goodbye. I hated leaving her sad but now it would be better to go.

To be continued

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