Chapter 12

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Readers POV

I let the knife fall once I heard her words, shocked how she could think I would stab a person. That's not what I would ever do but I would have defended myself if I had to. I see my coworker still holding Patrik who tried to get away from his grip as he called for Loreen but she ignored him as she walked towards me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

„That's better...don't be aggressive like him, don't hurt the person you love. I know you are mad and he attacked you but violence is not an option." I hear her soft voice talking to me and she slowly managed to calm me down.

„I know...I just...I took it so he won't harm us, I promise." I try to explain the situation and got more nervous since I was scared that I might have disappointed her or she thought bad of me now but Loreen clearly noticed the tension and I could feel her hand on my cheek now as her thumb caressed me in a gentle way, making me slowly calm down.

„Hey...calm down. It's okay." She spoke to me and I could barely look at her, I didn't want to disappoint her even if I didn't do anything I figured it looked wrong.

„Hey get away from her she is mine!" Patrik really didn't stop and this made Loreen snap finally as she turned away from me to face Patrik. „Stop it Patrik! Finally just stop. I trusted you. I gave you my heart and even defended you all the time and for what? For you to harm my son and later even me? You are the one who's the bad one here and now I am finally doing what I always had to do."

My eyes widen when I saw Loreen taking out her phone and typing in a number. When I heard who she was talking to, my jaw almost dropped. It was Loreen calling the police meanwhile my coworker still held Patrik in place who was freaking out at this point.

„You whore!! You stupid bitch! I should have break all your limbs instead of only your arm so you can't do anything anymore!!" He freaked completely out and that's when I pulled Loreen closer to me again, making her stay as far away as possible from him as I pulled her into my arms, noticing she was crying as she hid into my chest and I felt a bit overwhelmed not knowing what to say.

„I-...It's gonna be fine..." Was the only thing I could say and I feel her hugging me even closer and soon we heard the police getting towards the parking lot and the two men took care of Patrik now, clearly noticing he was high again which will make him get into even bigger trouble. It felt good to see him being taken away by the police, something that should have happened a long time ago.

„Hey you two are you okay?" I heard my coworker ask us and I smile a bit as I look at him. „Yes we are. Thank you for helping us I don't know what would happen if you weren't here and helped me out of this situation." I thanked him and soon we all went back home.

Back at my house me and Loreen went inside being silent for a little while before I finally decide to break the silence as we sat on the couch again. „Loreen...why did you come to the hospital? I didn't expect you there at all, you were supposed to stay here." I told her and she just looked at me with a sad smile. „Cause I was worried." She started and I raised an eyebrow in confusion. „Worried?"

She nodded at me before she went on. „You didn't come home as usual so I decided to look for you. I didn't care about the risk of Patrik seeing me. I needed to know if you're alright." She explained and my heart felt all warm as I heard her reason for suddenly showing up at the hospital parking lot. Her gaze then also moved to my neck, making her frown. „Your neck is all red...did he?..." She started and I immediately answered her. „No worries. I am fine. Yes he kind of choked all the air out of me...almost but thankfully I have great coworkers." I answer her and could see tears of worry forming in her eyes. „I don't know what I would do if he took you away from me now..." She said, swallowing back her tears and I just pulled her into a tight hug, I didn't want to see this beautiful woman cry again.

„It's okay...he is gone now and will get into even bigger trouble now...the police took him away from us and hopefully he will forever stay away from us." I say and she just nodded while I heard her cry silently, making me caress her back so gently.

„The police got him?!" John-John was at home and probably heard us, making me look at the boy with a smile as I nod. „Yea. I don't know where this will end up but he is away for now." I explained and he cheered out of happiness, rushing back inside his room, probably wanting to call Elisabeth now.

„(Y/N)...?" I could hear Loreen speaking softly to me and looked back into her beautiful soft eyes as I caress her cheek after wiping her tears away. „What is it my love?" I say and she didn't answer me with words but with actions as she kissed me so deeply, making me fall even deeper for her as I kissed her back and soon when we both had to pull away and gasp for air she finally told me what she wanted to say.

„Please never leave me...I love you so much."

To be continued

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