Chapter 9

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Readers POV

I heard the door opening, hoping it wasn't Patrik and to my luck it was just John-John who looked at us confused as he got inside the apartment and walked towards us. „What happened??" He asked immediately and I sighed before I decided to answer him.

„I just had a bad feeling and thought I should come here. I know exactly what trouble you both are in at the moment and I won't just look away." I told him and heard Loreen hum softly in response. I knew she wanted me to be save but I couldn't leave her like that, this was too dangerous. „I assume Patrik has the key to come here?" I ask him and John-John nodded his head in response, making me frown before I got a idea that might make Patrik mad but I had no other choice, this was too dangerous.

„Okay. Take all the stuff you need you will stay at my place." I said and he nodded at me without questioning, I knew the boy trusted me. Only Loreen wasn't that happy with the idea, looking up at me with a worried expression. „What?! No. You only bring yourself in trouble please don't do that." She said to me but I just shook my head before I went on with a serious expression. „I can't leave you two like that so stop complaining. As for need to see a doctor. I am just a paramedic but I can clearly see this is broken and you do need help to get that fixed. You're in pain so stop lying and come with me." I told her with a serious expression, I really meant it and she got speechless now as well, deciding to shut up and stand up with me.

When everyone was ready I took them with me as we walked to my car and got inside, gladly Patrik wasn't any near us so everything was save, he doesn't know my car as well so now we all could finally calm down a little on your way to my home. I had a little house just near a lake I inherited from my grandma. I could see John-John staring at it, feeling amazed I was one of the person's that lived at the ‚richer' side. „No need to ask questions I am not rich, just lucky. Now get in." I said as I opened the door for the boy and let him go in. „Stay here until I am back with your Mom. And don't open the door if someone rings on it...I don't trust anyone anymore at this point. I don't know where that insane person has his eyes."

After I made sure John-John was save I got back in the car, seeing Loreen waiting for me as she got lost in thoughts, holding her arm that was clearly broken. I could see it hurt a lot.

„It's okay love we will fix that together." I told her as I put the seatbelt around me and she looked at me with a sad expression. „Why are you doing this?" She asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

‚Because I love you...' was what I actually wanted to say but I just thought about it and in reality I answered something completely different. „I helped you two once and now I will again. We aren't strangers anymore right? So why should I close my eyes and pretend I didn't see anything. I am not scared of a gun. I am scared of losing you." I said and that was enough to make her blush and nod her head in response. Maybe she knew about my feelings without me needing to say it.

Just a bit later we arrived at the hospital and when we got out I met my coworker who just stood by the ambulance and waved at me. „Hey! Got extra work to do?" He asked me in a more joking way making me roll my eyes before I went to him with Loreen and his expression went serious again as he noticed my expression which wasn't happy at all. „Please could you tell them if there will be a guy with blonde beard and no hair named Patrik they should not let him in and if he asks about Loreen she is not here okay?" I told him and he nodded as he looked down at her arm, understanding the seriousness. „Alright."

I am glad people knew me in here so it was easy to get a doctor who will look at Loreen's arm. Of course I wasn't allowed to stay in there and wait outside the room before a nurse came towards me and smiled at me a little sad which just made my nerves go crazy again, making a questioning expression which made her speak to me. „I am sorry but you will have to wait more longer. This can't be fixed just like that. We need to insert screws that will hold the bones together which means operation." She told me and my hate for Patrik only grew bigger at this point, making me bite my inner cheek but I nod. „Okay. I hope it's okay if I keep waiting until this is over? I usually work for this place. Can we do that? I would be very happy if I could stay." I asked politely and the nurse nodded. „Sure. I heard the story why she is here. She explained the situation so...of course you can stay until this is over." She added before leaving.

„Fuck you Patrik..." I mumble to myself before texting John-John, wanting to know if he was doing fine and just 5minutes later I got a pic of him playing with my PlayStation he found, making me laugh a bit before I texted him the situation here and that he can play as much as he wants until I am back.

Hours passed and I almost fell asleep on the seat I was waiting for someone to tell me that everything hopefully went well and before I could drive off into a slumber I felt a hand touch my shoulder. It was the nurse I talked to before. She smiled at me softly before she spoke. „Everything went well. We could fix this. I will lead you to her room, she is still a bit sleepy tho but I assume you already know about this stuff I don't need to explain." She chuckled and I nod, I was just fucking happy to see Loreen again.

When I stepped inside the room I saw she was gladly alone in that room, the nurse leaving us alone as she closed the door as I walked closer to the bed, seeing Loreen opening her eyes as she heard my footsteps, smiling softly at me which made me smile as well and feel so happy that she was okay. She got a lot of painkillers as well which made her feel drowsy but that was okay, I just wanted her to feel okay that's all.

„Hey...I am so glad you're fine." I add and she just pats the spot beside her on the bed which made me sit down carefully, her broken arm was wrapped up well.

„I am happy to be able to see you again..." She told me with a weak voice, making me frown a little as I brush her hair behind her ear and try to smile at her to only give her good vibes. „It's okay. I promised we do this together remember?" I told her and she just nodded slowly, I could see her hand reaching for me which made me hold it gently.

„'s John-John??" Of course she asked about him, she was a good mother. I just chuckled a bit as I told her the truth. „Well...he found my PlayStation so...he is perfectly fine." I told her and she chuckled as well, making me feel so happy to see her like that again even tho I knew all the medication made her act like being drunk.

„(Y/N)...?" I heard Loreen say my name which made me look at her again, she looked at me with heavy lidded eyes but I didn't say anything since I saw her continuing before I could even answer. „Can I kiss you?..." She asked me and my heart did a little jump but I nod my head before leaning down to place a kiss on her lips, as I wanted to sig back again I felt her healthy arm pulling me down more to her to keep on kissing and I couldn't say no at this point, I kissed her more deeply which soon ended up into a more passionate kiss, making her moan softly into my mouth, sending shivers down my spine.

„I love you...I missed your touch so much..." She said and I knew she wasn't fully there but why should she lie in that state? I knew she did, I knew she just ignored me to keep me save. I held my tears of happiness back before I placed another deep kiss on her lips.

„I love you too..." I answer her and I noticed how much she loved this answer and kept me close with her one arm as she looked deeply into my eyes. „Please...touch me..." She told me with such a needy voice, her eyes longing for it, basically begging actually and I couldn't hold myself back as I did what she begged me for. My hand moving down under that thin clothing all patients had to wear for a operation, knowing she was naked under it and when I moved my hand further down I also noticed she wasn't wearing panties which was actually normal so I shouldn't be this surprised but I was surprised when I felt how excited she actually was, moaning once I touched her sensitive spot which made me kiss her lips once more.

„But you need to be quiet..." I add and she nodded as she bit down on her own lower lip, making me continue to touch her and leave kisses and little bites down her neck. I really missed this too and I loved her sweet soft sounds she made for me.

To be continued

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