Final Chapter

176 16 4

TW// just light smut, nothing that detailed

Readers POV

A few months now passed since the incident back at the parking lot and the disappearing of Patrik. Maybe he was in jail or he just dipped. Whatever happened to him I was glad me and Loreen could live in peace now without having this annoying and dangerous person around us.

John-John did well at school and Elisabeth's father finally accepted their relationship after he noticed me and Loreen made sure he behaves well and raise him more to a good young man.

All the troubles we had gone through they were finally gone and I couldn't even describe in words how happy I was about it.

Me and Loreen were currently at the back of my house where the ocean was and we both enjoyed this beautiful evening having fun in the water since it was so close to my house nobody was there to interrupt us and we could just be together without anyone staring at us. My gaze went to her arm, you could see the scars of the operation she had to go through, making me frown every time I look at it and she noticed.

„Is something wrong?" She began to ask me and I just shook my head in response. „No. Does it really not hurt anymore? Can you move without any pain?" I ask, being a bit too worried about her and she couldn't help but laugh at me, splashing water into my face with exactly that arm, making me laugh as well before wiping my face. „Ah!...I take it as a yes." I chuckle and she shifted closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, making me look at her with a soft smile, her body being so close to mine.

„You worry too much. Of course I will always notice that my arm had to be fixed but it's not that bad." She explained and I just smiled and nod in response before she decided to peck my lips, placing a soft kiss on them before she went on. „Come on, let's get inside it's slowly getting cold." She whispered against my lips and I couldn't help but blush but she was right. „Fine."

When we went inside we both went straight into the bathroom, not minding walking around without clothes later since John-John was sleeping at Elisabeth's place tonight.

We entered the shower after we both removed our swimming clothes and let the warm water run down our bodies. Even tho I saw her naked for a lot of times now she always managed to make me blush and weak with only her existence and she knew exactly what an effect she had on me.

„My eyes are up here love." She mentioned with a rather seductive voice than anything else, making my knees almost weak but I decided not to show too much of my weakness and chuckled. „I know. I just like to look at my girlfriends beautiful body, nothing wrong with it right?" I answer and she smirked before taking both of my hands and moved them on her own body, making me touch her sides and feel her soft skin before she wrapped her arms around my neck like before and whispered into my ear with the same seductive voice, almost purring. „We are alone you can do it to me here..."

Her words sent goosebumps through my own body and it even got more intense once I felt her lips on my neck, kissing and nibbling on my sensitive spot that made me go crazy. How could I not touch her now? She was basically begging for it and it gave her everything she wanted and longed for, making her moan loudly for me.

Later when we were done with our shower and the beautiful intimacy we shared there, we went all dried up into the bedroom and got some sleeping clothes, putting them on and after I saw Loreen smiling so sweetly at me as she sat on the edge of the bed, making me smile back at her, little did she know I had something to tell her.

„What are you looking at? Wasn't before enough for you?" She asked me in a teasing way as she raised her eyebrow with a smirk and I just rolled my eyes playfully. „You know I can never get enough of you. No that's not what I am thinking about. Close your eyes please." I told her and the confusion on her face got more visible but she trusted me and did what I said.

„Uh fine. But don't take too long okay?"
I knew she hated surprises but for this one I really needed her eyes to be closed.

I took a deep breath and quickly thought about some prayers that things will end well with this before I went quickly to the drawer and pulled out a little box before I made my way back to her, I could see she was already nervous so I decided to make it quick as I kneeled down before her and look up at her before opening the little box, showing a little ring with diamonds on it.

„Okay open your eyes-..." Before I could go on she did open them once she heard me and looked at me stunned as she saw my position and then noticed the little ring, opening her mouth to say something but I interrupted her.

„Will you marry me?" I ask her, feeling my hands getting all sweaty as I caught myself being all nervous now but her reaction already told me answer as I saw her crying, this time of happiness luckily before she literally grabbed me and kissed me deeply. „Yes! Yes I do!" She squealed out of happiness and I smiled brightly, crying now as well out of happiness, loving everything about tonight.

„God...I am so happy..." She went on and I chuckled. „Not the classy way I know..." I add and she kissed me again to shut me up.

„It's perfect! God (Y/N) I love you. Nobody has treated me so nice as you before, no man could do what you did to me, you're the woman I want to be with. I love you so much..." She told me and I smiled happily as I felt a little flustered but also proud about myself.

With that I put the ring on her finger and it just fit perfectly, making her smile even more brightly. „It's so beautiful...thank you!" She said and I felt relieved she loved how it looked like, it really took me long to choose the perfect one.

We spend the night cuddling with each other and sharing even more intimacy with each other.

She made me the happiest and I made her the happiest. It's just beautiful and I will do my best to make this woman the happiest always and forever. She is the love of my life.

The End

Authors Note:
Hope you enjoyed the little Fic based on the movie Vinterviken (JJ+E) ❤️
I will continue with more fics ofc stay tuned! ❤️👀

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