Chapter 5

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Warning: Smut

Readers POV

I managed to find John-John not far away being out there with his group of friends like always, he looked very upset but everyone stopped talking as they looked at me.

„Hey! There is the saver!" One of them said, wanting to give me high five and I just went along with it before I focused on John-John again. „I know and understand you're mad at your mother but would you please come back home? I promised her I will take you back home." I told him but first he refused before I decided to sit down, not caring his friends are around us.

„Listen...your mother didn't give up her hopes of finding true love. She believed in this person could change for her to be happy with her but that all was an illusion. Sometimes you have to go through this, going through bad heartbreaking things to see the truth. She never wanted anything bad for you, she just believed in the good. Today her eyes opened." I explained to him and surprisingly everyone went quiet when I spoke, John-John looking at me as a friend gently pushed him and then he finally nodded.

„Fine I come with you. Sorry for freaking out." He told me and I smiled. „It's okay. You needed to get away from there."

Back at the apartment I closed the door behind us and saw John-John disappear into his room and all I was thinking about before I go to Loreen I wanted to wash my face since the taste of blood really got on my nerves.

To my surprise when I opened the bathroom door I saw Loreen being in the bathtub, making me almost stumble backwards as I felt so fucking embarrassed. „Ah sorry!! I didn't mean to come in and disturb you I didn't know!" I immediately apologise but she just answered me as if nothing that bad happened. „No come in, I forgot to lock the door besides we are both women." She said but her voice sounded so different and when I looked at her I noticed why. She was crying.

„Hey..." I began and closed the door behind me before I crouched down before the bathtub, looking at her with a frown as I completely turned off my crush on her in this moment and tried to professionally focus on her emotional state.

„I am sorry you had to see this...I really just wanted to help-..." I started but she cut me off, her gaze burning through my skin as she did so.

„No. You did help. You helped my son from being hurt. Things I couldn't do as a mother since I was so blind, hoping he had really changed." She kept on crying and I decided to hug her, having her leaning against my shoulder as I kept her close for a moment, my hand caressing her wet hair. I really didn't care much about the situation now, I just wanted her to know she wasn't alone.

„ believed in the good which is naive but also very sweet. You did deserve true love even if not with him. You deserve someone who's kind to you and your son, who loves both of you you know? A kind hearted person." I told her and that was the point when she pulled back and looked at me, her thumb wiping away the blood off my lower lip and I saw her staring at it before she looked into my eyes, her gaze becoming more differently, more like she wanted to pull me inside with her but she then answered me.

„The person you're describing...they sound like you. I need someone like you in my life yea..." She said and I immediately blushed at her words, not really able to say anything but that wasn't needed since she pulled me closer by my shirt and kissed me and in that moment I felt like going insane in a good way. My whole body felt warm and soft as we kissed and she made me take off my clothes as well as I then joined her inside, having her straddle my lap as she cupped my cheeks and kept on kissing me, my own hands gently running down along her back. It really felt good having her skin on mine, making my whole body shiver of excitement as we kept on kissing and touching each other but she soon pulled back, panting softly as she stared at me with a needy expression and I did the same as my hands were resting on her hips.
„Let's get into my bedroom okay? We should continue there..." Loreen told me and I nod in response, it would be better not blocking the bathroom when John-John was home as well so we both made our way to the bedroom.

Once we were there and closed the door behind us she climbed on top of me again, straddling my lap as we continued where we stopped before, kissing each other passionately while our hands explored every inch of our body, my lips finding their way on her neck, sucking and biting on it which created beautiful hickeys that made her moan out softly, one of the most beautiful sounds I heard and I wanted more as I flipped her over, now me being on top of her as I kissed down her body, feeling it tense at my touch as I traveled further down to her thighs, kissing and biting her inner thighs before I finally start getting between her legs and run my tongue between her already dripping wet folds, licking and sucking on her playfully before I use my fingers to please her more as I thrust them inside of her, making her moan and whine even more loudly as she tangled her hand into my hair, pulling lightly on it when she finally came with another loud moan, making me feel all satisfied.

„Oh fuck..." She cursed under her breath, me sitting up as I smile at her, seeing her still panting softly as she clearly felt exhausted, making me lay down next to her and pull the blanket over us before I kiss her once again, thinking that was okay now and of course it was since she rolled herself on top of me now, looking down at me with a hungry gaze before she spoke to me.

„Now it's your turn..."

And oh god she was more than good to me.

To be continued

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