Break up

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8 weeks ago

"I've been thinking about this for the longest time... I don't think we're going to work anymore..." She said looking over at his reaction.

Mark(Y/N) stood there frozen, he didn't know what he had just heard. It was definitely not what he was expecting.

He took a deep breath before looking back at her.

"We were never going to work were we?" He questioned in a cold tone.

She looked up at him in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I really liked you Gis..." He trailed in a calm voice, "but it felt like you were never serious when it came to us." He confessed.

"What? What do you mean Mark? I was always sincere, I don't know what you're getting at. I just feel like we have just grown apart y'know. That's it."

Mark nodded, biting down on his bottom lip.

"We had fun and we grew up." She added observing him closely.

"I mean, what is there to end when there was nothing there to begin with?" Mark raised his mouth with a small grin looking at her dead straight in the eyes.

She briefly looked back at him before looking away, knowing exactly what he meant by that.

"I h-hope we can remain as good friends..." She said this time in a smaller voice as she turned away and walked off.


Mark (Y/N) POV

I couldn't seem to fall asleep these past few weeks, I couldn't take my mind off anything but the breakup. Something in me knew how toxic the relationship was, how draining and one-sided it was... I hated putting myself in that situation, making myself so easy to push around like that..Those words she spoke to me that night, telling me those words kept ringing in my ear, "I don't think we're going to work anymore... We had fun and we grew up..."

I knew it was coming, I knew it was going to happen, we were just running away from dealing with whatever we had straight on.

She never wanted to put a label on what we had. She never wanted to be official, yet she would always string me along and act so flirty and lovey-dovey. I didn't even know what to call our relationship. A sneaky link? Situationship?

I felt more stupid than depressed, more dumb than sad. I didn't know if this was a heartbreak or if it was a sense of disappointment in myself. Maybe I hated myself for actually growing to like her company, for liking how she made me feel carefree yet so insecure. I was never sure where her feelings lay, or what she was thinking. Did she even like me as much as I liked her...

What I do know now was that it was a fucking waste of my time.

All those nights I stayed up because of her. Those days I had to wait for her because she was late. Or those times she would ask to meet up and then flake the hour before.

I laid on my bed in deep thought as I played with the basketball in my hands.

I heard my phone vibrate, I caught the ball that was mid air, turning over grabbing my phone next to my pillow.

Johnny was calling me.

"Hey bro what's up." I picked up.

"Hey man. How you holding up?" He asked.

He was probably the first one who knew about the beginning of our relationship and the first to know the end.

"Just laying on my bed in deep thoughts man."

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