Pain Me

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"I need to tell you something..." She uttered, avoiding his eye contact.

"What is it Hanni?" He asked, holding both her hands in his with concern, "Is everything okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He added as his thumbs brushed over her face gently.

She shook her head looking down.

Concern rushed over his face as a million thoughts started running through his head.

"Come on, let's sit down." He ushered as he led her over to the couch.

"Hanni talk to me, what's the matter? Are you okay?" He repeated as he held her hands gently, sitting down next to her.

Hanni looked up to his face, avoiding his eyes, she was looking anywhere but there.

She took a deep breath, her mind was on a melt down not wanting to say what she was about to tell him. She didn't want the words to come out of her mouth. Never.

"W-We... We need to break up." She uttered.

The silence in the room grew louder and louder than ever before.

The sound of nothing rang through the air, not even the sound of his breathing was present.

She was too afraid to look at his reaction. She was too scared to even hear what he was going to say.


She could feel a flood of emotions pouring back up into her eyes. She looked back up at him, tears brimming, "Let's break up."

"H-Hanni I d-don't understand...? What do you mean break up...?" He stuttered, his voice filled with uncertainty and fear.

"I can't see you anymore, I c-can't be with you I-"

"Hanni... please no-" he choked, shaking his head. His throat felt as though there was a fence caged around it, "W-Why? What's the reason? I don't understan-"

"It's me... I can't d-do it anymore," she huffed painfully, "Oppa I'm tired, I'm tired of all of this." She cried out.

"S-So you're just going to give up on us?" He questioned vulnerably.

"Hanni, I promised you that I will protect you, I promised you I will be there for you, that I will always make you happy, that I will always love yo-" His voice broke as he held onto her so desperately.

"S-Stop I can't do this r-right now.. We can't be together.." She looked away avoiding any eye contact from him. She knew one look and she would give in, she would give up and tell him this was all a lie, and that she would never want to break up with him at all.

But that voice kept ringing in her head.

'Your members will be at risk. Your future will crumble if you don't break up with him.'

"If this has anything to do with your company or anything, I will help you out. I will hire the best legal team-"

"Stop oppa- Stop doing all these things for me, I'm begging you.." She cried.

"Then tell me the reason Hanni, tell me why I can't be with you, tell me why you're doing this..."

She paused, gathering every little thing inside of her, every courage in her body to utter out any formable sentence, her chest was aching in pain, her tears were running down her face.

"I-It's so complicated... I just can't sacrifice my group and career oppa..." She paused as she took another breath, "I can't give it up for us-" She mumbled while looking down at the ground, guilt rushing all over her face.

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