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Mark's POV.

"HURRY BRING THE OXYGEN MASK NOW!!" I heard my manager scream as the rush of footsteps rang in my ear.

My eyes fluttering open and close as I could feel the loss of air failing to enter my nose.

"WHERE IS THE OXYGEN MASK?!" He screamed, this time louder, feeling the grip of his hand on mine.

Before I could gasp another breath of air, I felt the cold mask envelope over my mouth, a rush of oxygen entering down my airway. A gush of relief  rushed over me.

I could finally breathe again...

End of POV.

After he had taken a few puffs from the portable respirator, his manager and members guided him back to one of the waiting rooms where the first aid was.

Mark plopped down on the chair as he held a portable fan to his face. His members handed a water bottle over to him.

"Hyung, I think you need to rest, it won't be a good idea for you to go back out there," Jeno stated in concern.

"I don't want to worry the fans, I can go back out for the encore," Mark stated firmly as he took a sip from the water bottle.

"No hyung, you can't you need to rest," Jaemin backed up.

"The fans will understand too," Haechan added.

Mark shook his head, looking over at his managers, "I can go back out and I want to." He said,  this time his tone was dead set and his members knew there was no stopping him.

"Mark, I want you to think carefully about this. The temperature out there will still be humid and stuffy even with the air conditioning on. And you're going to be staying on that stage for another 4 encore songs and the goodbye speeches from each member." His manager listed, knowing fully well that him going back on that stage was not a good idea.

"I know I will be fine with just another 30 minutes out there," Mark said stubbornly, keeping to his agenda.

His manager sighed in defeat as he looked over to the worried members beside him.

"Okay you guys try to talk him out of it, as much as we don't want the fans to worry, his health is priority. We have 15 minutes before the encore, tell me if anything changes. If not, Mark will go back on stage." Their manager stated sternly as he left the room.

Jaemin, Jeno and Haechan stood there staring at Mark with worry.

"Hyung we want you to think about this carefully, I know you don't want the fans to worry but think about your health first." Haechan tried convincing him.

"Haechan, I genuinely think I'm fine," Mark answered.

"You've only had the oxygen mask on for only a few puffs, what if this happens again when you step out on that stage?" Haechan argued back.

"It's not a big deal guys.." Mark answered as the 3 boys looked around at each other fully knowing that he won't give up.

"We all want the best for you hyung and that's for your health to come first but if you've made up your mind, we won't try to stop you." Jaemin said. Deep down he wanted Mark to magically change his mind, everyone there wanted him to rest here and not get back on stage, the only person who wanted him to get back on there was himself.

The 3 of them admitted defeat, knowing that no matter how much convincing they tried doing, it would not budge him at all. They stepped outside the room, giving him some space to rest up before heading back on stage.

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