Your Number

654 24 1

Hanni POV.

It was a Thursday night and we had been given the rest of the week off. No schedules.

I was so excited. I had so much I wanted to do. I wanted to go shopping, watch a movie, go cafe hopping, buy some new books and re-decorate my room.

Of course I had to start off by going to watch a movie at the cinemas. It was the perfect night for it. Not many people went out on Thursday nights and I have a personal goal to be a movie expert.

I checked the time and it was 11.30pm, I had already looked up the movie I wanted to see and it starts at 12am.
What I loved about South Korean cinemas is that they're always open so late and there's always screening times. Consequently, whenever I go watch movies at this time, there's hardly no one at the cinema.

I quickly put on a pair of jeans along with a black hoodie. I didn't bother wearing a hat or mask. I liked being comfortable in the cinemas.
I grabbed my bag and keys rushing downstairs, my uber had arrived just in time.

These cinemas were usually a 10-15 minute drive from my dorm so it wasn't that bad of a treck.

I had arrived at the cinema 10 minutes before the movie started, I used the self-serve kiosk to pay for my ticket. I also bought myself a small box of popcorn as a treat. I looked around and smiled to myself after seeing how empty the cinemas were. There was hardly no one.

I headed inside and found my seat. I had chosen the middle back row, the perfect view for any movie. I settled down my bag on the seat next to me, reclining back my chair as I comfortably fixed my hoody in place, positioning my popcorn on my right arm rest. I scanned around the whole theatre before I stopped my eyes on one figure who had just walked in. The way they were walking and dressed, it was a guy. I watched him sit down on his seat on the right side aisle.

I guess I'm not the only one in here then.

The advertisements ended after a few moments, the movie started playing on the large wide screen, accompanied with the grand audio system blaring around the whole theatre. This was why I loved going to the cinemas.

After an hour and a half the movie had finished, I headed out the left door, also seeing the other person who was there watching the movie getting up to leave.

I headed out first before him, I quickly chucked my popcorn box in the bin as I scrambled to take my phone out of my bag. I needed to order an Uber.

"Hanni?" A male voice called my name.

Oh my god... Someone recognised me...? But why does this voice sound so familiar?

I turned around, lifting my head up at the deep male voice.

"It was you." He grinned.

My eyes widened in shock, I had to do a double take, I blinked my eyes making sure it was the right person and that my eyes weren't deceiving me.

I saw him take off his cap, confirming his identity for me.

Mark Lee.


"O-Oh sunbaenim! Hello!" I greeted, I felt so flustered why did I stutter like that?!

"I didn't expect to catch you here?" He said. He was wearing an oversized white shirt with jeans, along with a black jacket over the top. His hair was roughed lightly from his hat as I notice his fingers softly running through his hair.

I like his style.

"Same here! I sometimes go watch movies by myself at the cinemas like this. I like the feeling of having an empty cinema to yourself." I answered awkwardly.

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