Let's Talk

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Hanni's POV.

"Hanni did you not know about Mark and Giselle?"

My brain momentarily paused after hearing those two names mix in one sentence.

"I'm s-sorry w-what?" I stuttered.

"Did he never bring up Giselle to you?" Yunjin asked.

I shook my head.

He definitely has not.

"Ok let me explain then, so we were discussing about her and Mark which I had no idea that they were even a thing...? And she said she cut it off before things could even progress on? Apparently they were seeing each other casually but they never became official. Then we asked her if she still found him attractive..." Yunjin said cautiously, gauging for my reaction.

"... And what did she say?" I reluctantly questioned already predicting what the answer was going to be.

"She said she still finds him attractive and hot..." Yunjin informed honestly.

I couldn't help but freeze in that moment, my mind knew it was coming but hearing Yunjin say it out loud in words baffled me. I didn't know how to feel about this whole thing. The news of Mark and Giselle already shocked me but knowing that she still finds him attractive hit a ticking time bomb in me that made me ticked off. I was pissed that I had no idea about this, call it jealously or whatever it is, just thinking about his ex still fawning over him made me feel spiteful... Why does she still like him? Do they still talk to each other? Is that why Mark didn't tell me about her? They're still in the same company, they probably see each other often too at work.

"But she did mention how last time she tried talking to him and he was really cold towards her," Yunjin added before I could say anything else.

Ok now that's my boyfriend.

"I had no idea they had history and now I don't even know if I should ask him about her..." I mumbled in conflict.

"You know, it'll be better to ask him and clear the air with it all. Communication is key." She smiled, "but I feel like once Giselle and the others find out he's dating you, she will probably not try anything with him. I'm hopeful that she will respect the both of you."

"I don't know her well but hearing you say that makes me feel a bit better." I sighed.

"Do you ever want any other idols to know about this? I know you two are lowkey and you want to keep it in your circle but eventually...?" Yunjin questioned.

"We did discuss it and we felt like if we were comfortable sharing it with another close friend then so be it. And if people find out about it then it's not like we can do anything about it?" I said, "And unnie, I'll always trust you," I smiled.

Yunjin's face softened, "Hanni, if you have anything going on or any issues, I'll always be here for you girl. My loyalty will always lie towards you, you're practically like my little sister I've known for so long and I love you so much," Yunjin gave me a small smile as she held my hand.

"Love you too unnie," I grinned. She really has been a sister like figure to me and I'd never forget it.

"Anyways... Yeonjun oppa is throwing his birthday party next week, you're going right?!!!" Yunjin asked excitedly changing up the topic.

"Girl of course I am~~!" I replied back.

Next week was going to be TXT Yeonjun oppa's birthday party and he had invited all of his closest friends who were mostly idols. We all saw the guest list and it was around 30-40 idols on the list. Of course Mark oppa was there too.

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