chapter 7.

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yunho's hands scrambled across his phone's screen, desperately attempting to find and open his messages with mingi. he felt hesitant to message the younger, especially with the thoughts that infiltrated his brain earlier— but nevertheless, he swallowed his concerns and sent mingi a simple message, mentally noting that he didn't want to bother him if he was busy.


hey min
are you doing anything rn
seen 7:16 pm

hi yunnie! :D i'm working on a
project with wooyoung :P
we're almost done though.
is everything okay? :0
seen 7:18 pm

yeah dw about me
i didn't mean to interrupt
you guys
seen 7:18 pm

yun, i know you wouldn't
message me like this with no
reason, did something happen?
do you wanna come over? :c
seen 7:19 pm

are you sure?
wooyoung won't mind?
seen 7:19 pm

i doubt he will yuyu. if he has a
problem, then we can work on
our assignment later and he
can leave, alright? :( ily yunnie.
i'll see you soon so pls come
over so i know you're ok :(
seen 7:21 pm

i'll be there in 5 mins
seen 7:21 pm


unlike the previous time that yunho went over to mingi's home after something like this happened, he only washed his face before making his way to the latter's front door.

he still didn't have enough energy to do anything else with his appearance.

yunho knocks on mingi's door, feeling guilty about how this was starting to become a daily routine.

he felt pathetic as he leaned against the wall, barely being able to stand up straight from the aching waves of pain flowing through his thighs.

mingi opened the door almost immediately. he automatically let yunho through the door, leading him to the bathroom before anything else. directing the taller to sit down on the countertop, mingi grabbed the first aid kit from the cabinet underneath.

"yunho... i won't ask you about anything that you might not want to answer right now, but i need to know where all your injuries are, okay yunnie?" mingi spoke with a rather serious tone, not once breaking eye contact with the male seated in front of him.

it took a few seconds for yunho to answer— he felt embarrassed that he couldn't take care of his own wounds. "uhm... well, know there's some on my legs, and my torso too— and my face, but obviously you can see those, there's probably some on my arms? i don't know, they— they're everywhere."

"aw yun..." mingi frowned, rubbing the latter's shoulder as a means of comfort. "would you feel comfortable with removing your clothes so i can disinfect them? if not, it's okay, i'm fine with whatever you're comfortable with."

yunho honestly didn't have to think long to make a decision; he knew he was comfortable enough with the younger, and he definitely trusted him to not do anything out of line.

"i don't mind min. thank you for looking after me, and i'm sorry for interrupting you and wooyoung..."

"yunho. don't apologize alright? your health is my priority right now. it breaks me to see you in pain like this, so i'm gonna do whatever i can to help— even if that means delaying my assignments." mingi giggled slightly, hoping his remark would at least cause yunho to smile.

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