Entry 1- "Happy" Day

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(guess who has to wake up in one hour but is on my phone remaking an ok story!  ✨✨ ME ✨✨ NEgays let's get started)

Kokichi's POV

I sat at my side desk, thinking about what to do until the nighttime announcement. 'Oh!' I thought, picking up a notebook from the desk. It was a blank notebook, one with a plain black cover and blank pages. I turned to the first page, and picked up a pen.

"Dear Journal,


Suddenly, loud screeching interrupted me. 'I thought you were asleep...' I sigh, getting up to get a hoodie. 'Great! Just what I planned on doing tonight.' I walked to the kitchen, attempting to avoid anyone else. When I arrived, I walked to the refrigerator, grabbing two bottles of an unlabeled mixture that only had a sticker reading 'Don't Touch'. 'Thanks 'Rumi.' I took a relaxed breath.

Shuichi's POV

Maki, Kaito and I were walking in from midnight practice to get snacks, when we saw Ouma-kun in the kitchen. 'Ouma-kun?' I think, 'Shouldn't he be asleep?' "Hey! Kichi!" Kaito calls out. It obviously shocked him because he flinched before looking back at him. "Hey Kai!" Kokichi said, shoving something in his jacket. "Come sit with us!" Kaito said with a shining smile. "Thanks but no thanks.. I'm trying to get something to eat. Maybe later though!" Kokichi said, smiling slightly. "You've decided to be less annoying?", "Maki, I'm just trying to sleep, let me off the hook today!" He whined. "Whatever." Kaito started lecturing Maki. Ever since last week, she's been getting more angry with Kokichi more than anyone else, I don't know why though. Kokichi excused himself making one snarky remark not before.

No One's Pov

Kokichi walked into his room, slamming the door as soon as he got in to drown the sound of screaming from a certain someone. "Why can't you be like your father? And not blow my eardrums out?" Kokichi asked, knowing that he wouldn't get an answer. He sat down, and picked her up. "Hey Starlight! Mama's back!" Kokichi said, earning a small 'M-Mama!' he smiled. "Boo!" Someone said. "_____, I'm not in the mood.", "Boo. Someone's boring." Hoshi giggled at her sight. "SEE! She loves my presence, why can't you?", "Because I've been trapped with you all my life and she's 10 months old." Kokichi said annoyed. "Whateverrrrr", "Byeeee!", "Bit-", "Out!" Kokichi threw something at them. "Fine fine! I'm gone!" And just like that, she vanished.

Once Hoshi was finally asleep again, I sat and thought about anything. Soon sleep overcame all my thinking, bringing into a long slumber.


"RISE AND SHINE URSINE!! Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!!" The Monokubs said. "Mhhgggrrr!!" Kokichi groaned. "Nooooo! I don wanna wa- up!" Kokichi said, rolling around. "AAAA!!" Kokichi fell to the floor. "Should've woken up.", "Shut upppp!" Kokichi said, getting up from the floor. He washed up, took a quick shower, got dressed, then fed his daughter. Somehow, after the first few days of living in this place with Hoshi, Monosaki had already gotten tired of the constant noise so she gifted Kokichi items so 'quote on quote' "Shut that thing the hell up!" He then walked out the door.

Word Count: 576
How's it going so far, I personally think it's better than the other one. Anyways Byeanara!

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