Entry 8- Trial Pt 1

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Lover Lover, dicks under covers
Or not

No One's Pov

"So yea, your votes will determine the results. Yada-Yada-Yada! You know the deal, I'll punish either you bitches and the blackened escapes or the blackened dies only and you live to see another day!" Monosaki explained, clearly excited. The trial room now had three new stands in the trial room. One of Maki, another of Kokichi, and a small one beside Kokichi with the baby's scribbled out face on it.

(So basically I'm just writing in texts for the duration of the trial.)

Himiko: Woah woah! What the fuck is that!

Monosaki: You didn't hear? You didn't hear it from me but apparently there was a baby running around Hope's Peak unsupervised and killing my ears at night. And now it's dead and I can sleep again.

Tsumugi: How does that even make sense? Did Monosaki allow someone else into the killing.

Korekiyo: So the first matter of discussion is how the baby got here.

Angie: Auta believes that discussion isn't necessary!

Tsumugi: And why is that, love?

Angie: Angie knows the answer to those questions already!

Kaito: Angie. Can you cut it out and be serious for once?

Angie: Angie will tell the truth today! She has decided that her beloved friend shouldn't be lied about.

Kaito: Oh.. ok.

Angie: As I was saying, the answer to that question is a simple sight question.

Angie: How did the corpse and Kokichi look alike?

Kaito: Hey! I thought you said you wouldn't do your little riddles

Angie: I never said no riddles Momota-Chan!!

Shuichi: 'How did they look similar?'

'Option 1: They had different ear shapes'
{'Option 2: They had similar features and hair colors'}
'Option 3: They had the same height'

Shuichi: Oh! They had similar features and the same hair color!

Angie: Correct!

Himiko: But what does that prove?

Tsumugi: What shes trying to get at is that-

Angie: The child is related to Kokichi!

Kaito: But how? I think I would notice someone else in our family.

Tenko: Me too!

Angie: You've never put into account if the child was hidden or not?

Tsumugi: Can we Identify the child's name instead of just 'the child'. It's kinda freaky.

Korekiyo: Yea, what is the child's name?

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