Entry 9- Trial Pt 2

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I'm back!
I hope you 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷ᛌ𝓉 miss me
I hope that the people reading this haven't read the first shit hole of this story before this and already know the culprit.
Just fucking hoping

Also there's a new Truth Bullet. "Miu's Account"
"Kokichi would leave his door open whenever he was about to get in the shower just in case something happened and he can't get there to help. He only told Miu, Angie, Kiibo and the deceased Rantaro, Ryoma, Kirumi."

Angie: what if the killer just attacked with their hands? Oh wait, The cuts wouldn't be that uneven if that were true.

Tenko: None of a woman's ideas aren't not true!

Monosaki: Kirumi and Kaede

Tenko: Shut up heathen! You're just as rotten as one of those degenerate males!

Kaito: Damnit! Now she's back at the degenerate male thing!

Shuichi: Wait?

Kaito: Hmm?

Shuichi: Could you repeat that?

Kaito: Who?

Shuichi: Angie

Angie: My idea?

Shuichi: Yes

Angie: I said, 'Maybe the culprit inflicted those injuries with their own hands?' Is that not right?

Shuichi: No, I just think that might be probable.

Angie: Nyahaha! Atua is forever on my side!

Miu: But wouldn't that be too easy?

Shuichi: We don't just have to look at the likelihood of the crime but the probability of this factoring into the truth.

Miu: Ok, so assuming that's true, Why are they there?

Shuichi: Probably from struggle. The culprit could've been fighting back from Maki and overpowered her.

Kaito: But Maki's a strong girl, I don't think she could've been so easily disarmed and killed.

Monosaki: But she's dead now, ain't she?

Kaito: ..Shut up!

Katara: Not hating to interrupt but don't you think if you're fighting someone in the room of someone who's in the shower and then you see child in their bed that quite literally dead, you wouldn't stop everything you're doing for a second from shock and confusion? Yea? Glad I'm not the only one.

Shuichi: Hmm? That might be just it.

Katara: Wait really?! I just said something sarcasticly because I'm you know chained to the floor!

Monosaki: I'm gon treat you like one of those backpack leash children till you don't try to choke someone out again.

Katara: 🖕🏻

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